Author's Note

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Hey all who read my story:

First off, thank you so much! I appreciate it. I've litereally had this idea for this story for years, and I really just want to get it written down. So thank you for taking the time to read, and if you so desire leave a comment and vote!

Also, even I'll admit my story may be kind of slow to start, but it does get better (at least I think so). so if you want to see the fantasy stuff, you'll have to wait a few chapters.

Anyway, so you're all awesome for just taking the time to check out my story, and I just wanted to say that.

Toodles and Enjoy!


P.S. Also, this work is mine. Yes, it's a draft, but still mine.

P.S.S.  I feel I should also add...don't forget it's a rough draft! There may be times when the plot is slow, or confusing! Please do not expect perfection! I appreciate feedback, but CONSTRUCTIVE feedback. Please do not say it sucks and then not say why. One of the best feedbacks I ever received on this story said, "It sucks and it's boring, but here's why..." That's what I need. If you love the story and general plot, that's great! But don't get overly attached, because it WILL change with time.

UPDATE: 4/25/2016

I haven't touched this story in 3 years.

I don't think I've been on WattPad in 3 years.

This story is just one of those stories I keep tucking away in a drawer, but somehow, it never quite goes away. I have no excuse, except that life got in the way.

Also, I think my computer crashed and I lost a lot of the work I had done. I think I got discouraged with that. But at least it was saved here on WattPad.

Anyway, so I've been trying to get into writing again. I've been going to school, and trying not to be a "starving artist" by working on my family's ranch. And I have another serious writing project started, and I've finally broke down and started going to a writer's critique group. And I met an author there who just recently published a YA Fantasy book, and talking with her, I remembered, "Oh yeah, I also have this fantasy story going..."

So I came back here to WattPad the other day and pulled this story out of the drawer. I ended up spending most of the day yesterday doing some major tweaks to the story. So if you notice that the story doesn't quite flow right, it's because I'm still making changes. After reading it over, though, I realized that I was actually pretty close to being done.

I just want to finish this damn story. I came up with the idea for it 10 years ago, and I just want to finish.

UPDATE: 1/5/2018

You're still here? You must really like the development process of this story.

So, I've changed the story title, and as such, I had to change the cover. I made it all by myself on Canva and I hate it. So if any of you are interested in making it better for me, message me.

Also, as I have started dating a Viking, I may tie in some Norse mythology in this. I hate research, so I didn't really do much to make this story, and I think it shows.

God, I sounded so bubbly when I started this note. Now I'm older and crabby and unhappy that this is still a work in progress. I hate bills and laundry.

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