A Dark Awakening

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The bottle was still cold, after holding it for about an hour. I had been sitting on my couch, staring up at the ceiling. The television was on, playing nothing but static. My body was stiff, I went to sit up but a shock of pain went through it. I had forgotten why I was like this. I sat up with all my might and glimpsed at the television but then my eyes shot straight down at the coffee table. Sitting there in the middle of the table was a pistol. My eyes went wide, my body started shiver and my heart was pumping fast. I slowly reached for the pistol, my hand shaking, I picked up the weapon. The barrel was still warm like it had just been fired but the grip was cold. I closely examined the gun and then shook the ammo clip out. Half the clip was missing, "where did the other bullets go?" I ask myself in horror but my question was answered immediately after asking. A note had been placed where the gun was settled. I picked it up noticing that it was spattered with blood. The note read; If you are reading this then you are awake, how was your sleep? Hope it was great! I bet you have noticed the gun and the missing lead! But don't worry they are probably in someone's head! The person who wrote this made me feel sick to my stomach but I continued to read on. Now read carefully as I will tell you where the bullets flew, go to the Iron Maiden Tavern and ask for a man named Stew, he will place another rhythmical note in front of you. I chuckled at the writer's rhymes, he seemed childish but smart in his way of writing. I threw the letter on the table and got up slowly off the couch. I raised my arms in the air and cracked my back. I picked my wallet off the table and examined the pistol as it laid peacefully on the table. The gun was clean and well looked after, the grip was a beautiful polished pearl with a dragon carved in the pearl. I picked up the pistol and placed it in the back of my jeans. Am I making a mistake by taking a gun like this around? I ignored my thoughts, grabbed my keys and walked out the door.

 I got into my car and sighed heavily. Who is this guy? What does he want with me? More specifically what did I do to get him interested in me? My thoughts were scattered and were asking too many questionsfor me to answer. I had a feeling that I would soon know the answers to these questions. I put the car in reverse and pulled out of my driveway. My car sounded sick, something in the engine was making a sound that sounded like a baby rattle, the tires were also fairly squeaky when I drove slow. I arrived at the tavern and stopped my car which coughed when I brought it to a full stop. I got out of the car and walked in, the place reeked of alcohol and sweat. I walked to the counter and sat on a hard wooden stool. The bartender gave me a look as he washed a glass. "Can I help you sir?" The bartender asked. "Yeah, I'm looking for a man by the name of Stew?" I snarled. He reached under the counter and pulled out a glass of an unknown liquid and a note under it and slid it in front of me. I opened the envelope to read yet another childish rhyme. Oh goody! You're actually going to play my game! So here is how the cookie is going to crumble, the next address is simply the best. Remember when you had your first kiss? Go to that house and knock on the door! If no one answers just walk inside! And look for another note that might be placed somewhere a girl might keep something that is very near and dear to her. I folded the letter back up and placed back in it's blood spattered envelope. I asked the bartender what was in my glass. He didn't answer, so I threw a twenty dollar bill on the counter and walked out. I got back in my car and started the engine, but before leaving I noticed something on my windshield. It didn't look like a ticket. I got out and took the envelope from my windshield wiper. I examined my surroundings, nothing seemed abnormal, except for the city itself. Every car you looked at wasn't taken care of, almost every block had either an abandoned building or junkyard. I shook my head and got back in my car. The envelope was heavy and bulky, I ripped it open and let the contents slide out in into the passenger seat. A box with .45 Caliber bullets filled to the top, along with another clean note with it had fallen out of the envelope. The note read; You don't know me but I know you. These .45 Caliber rounds are for the pistol I know you are carrying around. The box is completely filled but you should know how to conserve ammo. Continue with this person's game, you'll meet me soon. Signed, A Friend. Who ever this person was, they had just put yet another several questions in my head for me to answer, "Thanks a lot" I thought. I took the pistol out from the back of my pants and a pad of paper. I looked out the window just in case if someone was watching pull a loaded pistol out of my pants. I wrote several notes down in the pad of paper, how many bullets were originally in the gun, the locations the person is sending me, and the questions that I need answered. I took the clip out of the gun and loaded it slowly. I slipped the clip back into the handle, and turned on the car and pulled out in the street.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2015 ⏰

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