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   It's been 5 weeks and the tests and experiments didn't lighten. It only was turned more and more intense as the days passed. Ichigo was slowly giving up more and more. Like his body and mind was starting to realize there was no escape anymore. He's stuck here. And he needed to accept that.

  That was until he heard a loud boom and the back of his cell was blown open to reveal his friends. They yelled at him to hurry up and to get outside before more arrancar and Espada show up. Ichigo was thrilled to see his friends again and quickly ran out from cell jumping into the Gargantuan his friends came through to get him.

   They asked him what happened and what they did to him but he just lied. He lied and said they tortured him for information and weren't happy they didn't get anything so they'd beat him over and over. Surprisingly enough they believed it and had him looked over and protected at all times. That was, until now.
   Where he was bloodied, bruised, in incredible pain and a sword in hand as his friends looked at him confused and worried. His enemies looking smug and proud, and infront of him, none other then the dirty Mastermind himself Sosuke Aizen. The man who caused all of this.

  "Well Ichigo-Kun, why don't you tell your comrades what REALLY happened back in Las Noches? Hm?"
Aizen smirked at Ichigos fear filled face and at the Confused faces of the Shinigami.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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