𝙎𝙝𝙚'𝙨 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠.

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I'm cuddled in bed with Wanda when a very exited Morgan comes running in.

"Indy!" "Wands!" she yells.

"Hey baby girl." I coo softly, pulling her into my arms. Wanda stirs slightly but falls back asleep.

"Will you play with me." She pouts.

"How could I say no to your beautiful face." I cup her cheeks, before pressing them together.

"Yay!" she cheers.

"Shhh baby, we don't want to wake Auntie Wanda." I hush, putting a finger to my lip.

"Sorry." she says, imitating my actions. I scoop her little body into my arms and we head to the living room.

I'm in a deep game of checkers with Morgan when my girlfriend walks in.

"Good morning tiny." "Good morning tinier" she jokes at me and the girl.

"Hey sweet girl." I mumble at her, as she grabs my waist and spins me around.

"Quick Thor! Help me win." Morgan yells to the God who moves my checkers around.

"No fair." I complain. "You little cheat." I tease as I begin to tickle her down to the ground.

You look good with kids Indy. Wanda tells me in her head. I look up at her, pulling a face.
As i'm finished a game of guess who with Wanda, Thor and Morgan of course, my mom walks in, her face deadpan.

"Indigo, can we talk for a minute."

Shit, she rarely ever calls me my full name.

I look at Wanda, who flashes me a look at concern, before I get up and join my mom. At first I think it could be my exam results, but I realise it's far too early for that. We arrive at my room and she sits on my bed, patting the space next to her as an indication for me to join her.

"Look Indy. Stark needs you. We need you, to go on a mission." she tells me.

"Mkayyyy." I sigh reluctantly. It's not like I haven't done missions before, sometimes the team just need the extra back up.

"No Inds, not like that. Just you and Parker."

I look at her, fear in my eyes.

"Mom, I can't" I begin to complain.

"Indy. We need someone with your powers."

"What about Wanda!" I begin.

"And you're agility. I know you hate it, but you're tiny. Quick and small. Not to mention the fact it's undercover, and you could pass for a fourteen year old." she jokes, trying to lighten the mood.

"For how long." I ask, wanting it to be as quick as possible.

"A month."

"A MONTH." I groan. At least it's with Peter, not some old fart like Steve.

"You're going to be incredible moya lyubov." She says and she strokes my hair. I look up at her, sadness in my eyes not from fear of the mission, but fear of people, of having to socialise.
A few hours later and i'm totally briefed on the mission. I now sit silently at the dinner table, scrapping my food with my fork, dropping in and out of conversations I hear my team having.

Please eat something love. Wanda says internally before placing her hand on my thigh. I look at her lustfully as she does this and she appears to get the memo. We excuse ourselves and practically run to my bedroom.

She pushes me onto the door and locks her mouth onto mine. She tries to gain access but I don't let her in in an attempt to tease her. In annoyance she grabs my tit, causing a small moan to escape my mouth, Wanda's opportunity to shove her tongue inside it. I wrap my legs around her waist as we re-locate to the bed. There's no point in fighting for dominance with the girl, she's got me wrapped around her finger, id do anything for her. She spends the rest of the evening dominating me, before we are both overtaken by sleep.
"Goodbye tiny. Be safe." Wanda warns as she pulls me into a hug. I feel my eyes prickle slightly but hold back my tears.

"I love you." she whispers into my ear, sending a chill down my spine.

"I love you too." I reply quietly, smiling into the crook of her neck.

I say my goodbyes to the rest of the team before i'm pulled into a tight embrace by my mom.

"Be safe out there." she warns.

"I will mama. You've trained me well." I tell her, kissing her forehead.

I join a very exited Peter on the quinjet and we head off for Dubai, the location of our mission.
Wanda's Pov:
It's been 2 weeks since Indy left. I miss her more every day. I pass the time by baking, training with Piet, or lounging around in Indy's oversized hoodies, that fit my snugly. I'm sat in my bedroom, sketching in a notebook when a very serious sounding Stark calls out my name. I head to where his voice in coming from and am greeted by a very nervous looking Carol Danvers.

"Wanda." she breathes out. I feel my face drop. My brother comes in and begins to curse at her.

"Not you. You're a life ruiner. Leave now." he yells.

"Calm down Pietro. She's still a part of the team." Tony warns. "I need you and you're silly little ex girlfriend to put your problems aside." Tony directs his speech at me. I nod before leaving to go back to my room.

Shortly after Carol knocks at my door.

"No hello then?" she teases.

"Carol." I warn.

"C'mon Wanda, I mean it's not like we dated or anything." she says sarcastically.

"You cheated on me Carol. You abused me for months on end and then you left me for another woman." I say angrily, my sokovian accent coming through.

"I'm a different person Wanda. That's why I left, to change, to become better. For you." she moves closer to me, placing her hand on my thigh.

"What are you doing." I ask awkwardly.

"I can't help it, your super cute when you're angry. I love your little accent." She places a kiss on my check , and stays with her head close to mine.

For fucks sake Wanda you have a girlfriend, stop letting this woman get the better of you!

But I don't. I just sit there, letting Carol be.
Three days have passed since Carols arrival. She hasn't stopped flirting with me and I hate to admit it, but I don't mind. I know somebody who does though. Natasha. She watches my every move. No one's told Indy about Carols return yet, but I know we'll have to discuss it sooner or later. I love Indy I do, but Carol has the control, this assertiveness that Indy lacks, and it makes me vulnerable.

I'm currently alone in the kitchen, the rest of the team either working or on the food shop. I feel a pair of hands grab my waist.

"Hey redhead" Carol cooes, running a finger through my hair. "I still can't get over how hot you look with red hair." she begins, tracing her finger over my face, onto my lips. She pulls my face close to hers, her breath fanning my face as she says.

"I know you wanna kiss me."

I lean in to her. I lean into her. And am hit with the warm taste of cherry cola as our tongues brawl together. When I finally pull away Carol begins to kiss my neck.

"No. I can't sorry Carol. I can't." I say, practically running out of the room, locking my door behind me.

𝙄𝙣𝙙𝙮 𝙍𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙛𝙛Where stories live. Discover now