the meet (1)

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i tried to catch my breath.
i was that embarrassed..
i could not breathe.
i opened my eyes.

and there he was.. standing over me. he looked just as shocked as i did. i blinked slowly and just.. stared.
"sorry." he said, finally breaking the scilence. thank god. it was getting awkward. i smiled to the best of my abilities. "yeah no thanks that's-" i laughed nervously, stumbling to my feet. he stared at me, making direct eye contact. "thank you- really- that's- embarrassing-" i shook my head and laughed, i couldn't help but be embarrassed. i mean i had just slipped into this man's arms! literally what could be more embarrassing than that. well, a lot.. anyways.
"no your fine, happens to the best of us." ryder winked, smiling slyly and pulling his hand away from my waist. he then walked off, no other words said. WHAT. IN. THE. NAME. OF...
oh my god this was awful but it- was amazing at the same time! "jane!" yelled my boss. "okay okay.." i sighed, pushing my hair behind my ear and skating over to behind the counter to continue my day of work.
yet i couldn't. i could never stop thinking about what happened. but.. do i want to stop?

later that night

i wiped down the tables, getting on my tip-toe's to reach the other sides. i bopped my head to 'sugar, sugar.' by the archie's and muttered the words faintly under my breath. i had a weird feeling tonight. not something i usually felt. i don't know if it was because of what happened today and i was nervously excited about it even though it probably meant nothing but.. at the same time.. it was an eery feeling. i never usually got it closing up. more just walking home. i felt as if someone was watching me. something. i didn't know what though, i felt as if i was imagining it, just like i thought i was imagining earlier. Like it happened.. but it was so different to what would usually happen to me that.. i don't believe it did? it makes no sense. i know. But i just feel like that wasn't meant to happen to me or something. I took a shaky breath and looked around. checking the doors were locked. i hated closing up.

"boo." a voice said, grabbing me from behind. i squealed louder than ever before, i needed new underwear, and i had just spilled coffee like everywhere all over the floor! "hey hey hey-!" said the voice, sounding more flustered. I turned to see him. Not ryder. sadly. but my best friend.

my best friend of 16 years.
elliott lane.
ugh what a boy.
he was good at everything.

being popular.

he laughed, i smacked him with the dish cloth wrapped round my arm. going completely red at the face. "elliott you son of a fucking-" "OK OK okay-!" he laughed harder. rolling his eyes. "my dearest apologies." he said, sitting at a booth, setting his long ass legs up on the table. "oh. MY. I JUST CLEANED THAT YOU-" i cursed, throwing his legs to the floor. he loved teasing me. i can see why, it winds me up. he smiled. "how was work?" "shitty." i replied, washing a dish. "but one amazing thing happened." "oh? and what would that be? my presence?" he smirked. "no." i glared, rolling my eyes. "a boy." i began. "oh brother." he sighed pretending to get up and walk out. "Stopppp listen-" i groaned, pulling him back in by the arm. "okay okay." He laughs, laying a head in his hand. "So i kinda- fell- like almost right on my fucking ass." I looked at him, knowing he was gonna tease me about this part. "Aw that's embarrassing as fuck. But what's tha-" "HE CAUGHT ME." I began to rant, talking about his hair, how he spoke and all that. Ryder seemed unbothered though. He wasn't listening. "Are you even listening to me right now?" I asked, looking at homes "Not really." He got up, grabbing his bag. I was confused. Why? Was i boring him or did he just not care? Or.. no.

She wasn't boring me. I cared. A lot. Or was it.. yeah. i was im love with her. have been for six years. she doesn't know. which i'm not mad at. i would never tell her. it might ruin everything. yet i do love her. her smile. her hair. her style. her humour. how happy she makes me, she makes me forget about my home life. Which is a good thing, i don't have it easy so.. she's like.. you know when you have a certain space you go when your mad. sometimes it's your attic, roof, treehouse or something.. but mine is jane. she's just always been there. and i hope she will be here forever. yet now she's.. changed. not in a bad way.. just all she talks about is boys boys boys. and not me. i still love jane though, of course. how couldn't i? it would be hard to not love her. i have to get home, i can't be bothered listening to her rant again it pisses me off too much.

"I'll see you later." He nodded. "Oh. Ok."  I nodded back, slowly. And that was it. He just walked out. Was it me? What had i done? He usually was fine, he usually dealt with my shit? Maybe he was just tired. Even as he left, i still felt someone staring. Whatever. I should be home by now. I took off my skates and left them there for tomorrow morning. And that was me off. I got home and just.. slept.
i still felt someone watching me.

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