The newly drawn blood leaking down her arm, The foul smell of bile sinking into the air, And the unwelcome rust that rests under her fingernails. One of the many places she wouldn't want to be. Locked to the same chains she was set against when she was taken away from the public, Karina Ledger had been missing from her home for such an extended period of time, The blood loss over the years made it hard to recall just how long. Ledger still didn't know exactly why she was chosen for this un-bearable punishment. Her head hung low, The same dried but yet new tears seaping from her eyes and onto the blooded floor. Enough to rid it from it's horrid sight, Yet not.

Her bones so weak, She was almost hanging from her wrists by the chains, Her knees on the ground stopping the dislocation of her wrist to it's socket. Also having movement possess unavailability due to her broken ribs and fractured shoulder, Every movement being a flow of pain. No food, No water ingested in a while. Falling as another cause of weakened limbs. Whom of which held responsible would be Karinas captor, Still unknown to her of his/hers identity, Only a voice that had spoken one single word out of the long time knowledge of Katrinas existence.


Identical to the word which Karina has bellowed many times from her now nearly destroyed vocal cords, The same logical theory roaming Karinas mind as she thought more about it. She felt as though the so called 'captor' of hers was not the lead of their desturbing decision, But, One who was forced to follow through with the torment. Voice so raspy and cracked, But high in tone, Was not reasonably given a gender guess, Or even a guess at all.

Shakey breaths being the only thing tieing her down to life rather than going un-conscious.

Consistantly whispering the lyrics to the last song she heard, The only song she could remember from that day.

Welcome to my world
Welcome to my only world
It is full of space junk
But your words are coming through
I'm riding on the space junk
And it's bringing me to you
Bringing me to you

Words so quiet, That her voice box would burst if she sang any louder, Not that she wanted to be any louder than she already was, Saving the second hand embarassment of the people above her. She remembered the last time she was caught singing to herself, The mysterious figure of the house had stood its rather tall frame in the doorway that lead to salvation. Karina knew that the choices made by the members of the household were not all that genuine, But a signal that meant reason along the lines of something to save themselves from a fate worse than hers.

questioning what fate could possibly be worse than getting skin sliced off and a few fingernails removed, Every now and then there were occasional beer bottles broken against her head, Nocking her out cold. The people she was seeing seemed to be relitively the same hight as her, similar body types as well. Karina thought that they might be in the same age range as her, But looks from anybody could be decieving, Even when she can't see their faces cause of a mask.

Growing deep in thought was a high issue for her though. She wondered if her Father, Mother, Or Brother were out there somewhere looking, Given how long it had been since the time she had went missing, Her family probably gave up on trying to find Karina years ago.

Her head lifted at any sound she heard, Even the natural sounds of the house setting or creeking of floor boards. Being held captive against her will had made her more aware of her surroundings then she ever was before, She is aware of every fiber, Every movement that occurs, Nothing will go un-noticed, Fear draws her to it, Automatically knowing who or what everything is and what it is doing.

She has felt so much pain, That she had tried teaching herself how to disconnect from it, Sucessful at most, Never always.

It was basically impossible.

Every time a door would open somewhere in the house, It didn't have to be the door that lead to her dispair, It would cause her fear, For anyone who ledt or came in. All this house held together under it's roof was death and torture. Once you are here, You can never leave.

They don't even know her name.

It was all a guess at how much they could really care to get a name out of Karina, A date of birth, Fears, Nothing.

They wanted nothing.

It was a real shame, Because Karina never ever knew if she was going to be saved one day, Which was a high doubt. They might have thought that her suffering was a halarious joke, Humor of screams. Loud terror of terrorism would be a comedy show for the people here. Karina was scared, But also became a custom to their lack of care, Why would they care.

If they did, Why would they be cutting her open and make her life with what is always pain and fatal conditions.

By the time they were done making her cry out in agony, She was in critical shape. Becoming fragile as broken shards of glass held together with decorative tape. You couldn't touch her in any way, Couldn't give her proper hospitality, Moving one inch could send her to the ground, It is difficult enough for her to stay still with her broken ribs. Let alone she has to keep her arms up in the chairs, Taht doesn't help with the fractured shoulder.

A sudden creak in the stair floorboards kicked her out of the thought process she had flowing, Karinas head shooting to the stairs.

The legs of a figure making it's way down to what she asumes to be her.

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