cant sleep (lucifer)

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A/N as of writing this i'm on lesson 31-10, i did use one of the options and dialogue from lesson 30-19 but with my response (if lucifer had let mc respond at least ಠ╭╮ಠ) i have a love/hate type of relationship with lucifer (mammon will always be my number 1 thank you very much) apologies if doesn't exactly follow the story line in terms of exams and the end of the school year (but maybe it does i just don't know)
let me know what you think!

-for those new to this-
y/n- your name
f/c- favorite color

you roll over, glancing at the clock you groan as it reads 2:15am.

'great' you think, 'another night without sleep. guess i'll get up and get a drink.'

you roll out of bed not bothering to turn on lights as your eyes have already adjusted to the almost pitch black room. you adjust your f/c boxers and fish around in the clothes pile for a f/c top. one thing that has always stayed the same ever since arriving in the devildom was your inability to fall asleep. you leave your room and enter the hallway, you listen for a moment,
you let out a small breath of relief.  you absolutely love all of the guys and their chaotic antics, but sometimes you need a moment alone; especially when exams are going on. as you walk down the hall you notice a quiet sadness that creeps over you.

"ugh, i don't want it to end. i don't want to go back to the human world." you whisper to one of the paintings.

the year was coming to an end and in turn so was your exchange program. you begin to descend the stairs lost in thought, you barely notice the quiet lull of music and light coming from lucifer's office. intrigued, you decide against going to the kitchen and head for his office. unsure of what to even ask him you tip toe up to the door and listen for a moment, you hear classical music.

'huh lucifer's up and de-stressing? i wonder if that means somethings going on.' you think as you lightly knock on the door. lucifer answers with a smile on his face,

"ah y/n, you're up quite late, have you been studying for your exams?" he moves out of the way and motions for you to come in.

"i just can't sleep, as per usual, and i studied for my exams earlier today with satan. got all the review questions right." you can't help but feel a bit proud about reaching diavolo's expectations after he raised the requirements this year. you take a seat in one of the chairs close to lucifer's desk as he changes the record playing.

"...." he frowns as he looks at his records.

"feeling worn out...?" you ask unsure.

"is that how it looks to you?" he smiles and shakes his head slightly, "pfft don't give me that worried look." he drops the smile and takes a quiet serious tone, "this is only a feeling i have and nothing more, but i get the sense that something is happening that i'm not aware of... something bad. but diavolo doesn't seem to want to tell me what's going on. at least not yet. so if that's how it's going to be, i'll just find out what i can on my own. i have this... vague sense of uneasiness, like something's not right. i tried asking barbatos what he knew, but he just..." he takes a deep breath. "... you remember the play we put on for the school festival, right? my character, the prince, was forced to make a difficult decision. he had to decide whether to fulfill his royal duty by marrying the princess, or throw everything away in the name of love... y/n if you were in the prince's shoes, what would you have done?" you take a moment to think about what you would've done in his place but before you can answer lucifer quickly speaks again.

"actually... nevermind. i've said more than i should." he smiles, "i'm just tired, that's all. forget what i said." he's hoping you'll drop it the way he just dropped a fire record, Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BWV 565 -bach, onto his record player, but something's been weighing on your mind as well.

"actually, lucifer, i kind of know what you mean. about the feeling like something bad is going to happen? i ran into solomon in town when we went out for drinks, i asked him about what he was doing at the demon lords castle and he was super shady about it... he wouldn't give me any details besides 'ya know, stuff about the student exchange program'. if it is about the student exchange program shouldn't i be included as well? especially since i'm meeting diavolo's every requirement fair and square?" you cover your mouth after the last sentence, not meaning to say that. lucifer chuckles at you.

"ah someone's jealous, hm?" he walks towards your chair.

"it's not that i'm jealous... there's something really off with solomon. i don't trust him."

"actually i don't think you've ever trusted him." lucifer cuts in now standing about a foot away from you. instinctively you stand up from your chair and begin to pace with your arms crossed, mainly to avoid feeling like lucifers standing over you.

" i know. i hate to say it but now it's not just a hunch, it's a primal gut instinct that screams 'get the fuck away from him' whenever i'm in the same vicinity as him." lucifer cant help but laugh at the sight of your ranting be amplified by the music. your clear bed head and deliriously tired eyes begin pacing at a faster speed along with more arm movements.

"my, you maybe even more tired than me. i admit there is something off about him, but he hasn't done anything but be friendly towards you." he walks over to you with open arms, wrapping them around you, holding you in place so you'd stop and take a breath.

"that doesn't mean anything, you and i both know the first lesson in a demon meeting a scared human is to smile friendly. only this time he's not an actual demon, he's human..." you burry your face in lucifer's chest. "which is even worse." you shudder as lucifer begins to question it.

"i highly doubt humans are more evil than demons." you pull away enough to stare at lucifer, with a serious tone you tell him,

"lucifer you have to trust me on this one. i know i haven't hit my 'over share' point with everyone here yet, but you know how i'm such "a strange human" when it comes to things that don't scare me and the fact i'd rather be here than in the human world? that's because i've been through some serious shit man, humans have and always will be worse than demons." you begin to shake slightly and lower your head at the thought of what humans have done, not only to you but to many other innocent people. lucifer notices your heart starts racing faster at the thought,

"alright, alright, calm down now." he holds your shoulders gently, as if to steady you, "it's just hard to believe all humans posses the ability to be worse than a demon when you're standing here in front of me with all the good one could ever have." you raise your hands to his face as you look up at him, you begin to close the distance between your faces before stopping inches from his lips to whisper,

"that only means i posses the same ability, i just choose not to use it." with that you close the distance with a kiss. when you pull away lucifer blushes and looks away,

"... you know it's strange. just being near you makes me feel at ease, in the same way music does." his eyes meet yours and he says, "i want you at my side tonight y/n. would you do that for me?" he presses his forehead against yours as the record goes silent, bringing his hands from your back to hold your face as he says quietly, "stay here with me just like this, just until morning..." outside a terrible storm rages, yet you finally feel at peace, even just for a moment.

"of course."

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