The Begining(introduction)

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*Tails POV*

"Ugh... What h-happened...?" I staggered out of my mouth, as I lay on my backside looking at a brick pattern above me, the ground I was on felt cold, bone chilling at that, but it felt nice on my aching head... I instantly noticed a light coming off what looked like a blue orb by my feet, or was it an orb? I couldn't tell, my head was still pounding away but I was attempting to pull myself up and see what's up, and what the heck happened, nothing comes to me, oddly, I seem to have my computer pad with me too, funny that I'd notice it so late, but oh well. "Let's get up, we'll try anyway" I said out loud while pulling myself into a sitting position, my tails felt so stiff, likely from how long I was laying on my back, but that doesn't matter as I look around the room, it's all brick with odd designs on the walls that looked almost like Japanese symbols drawn with MS paint, "I wonder what they mean" is an instant thought, as a glance at some nicely carved doorways, but then I bring myself to look at that orb right in front of me, just glowing in a magnificent way that. "Why am I here, and what is here at that?" Was the one thing running through my fluffy head the whole time I was conscious, and it's weird because usually I would be able to remember in a jiffy... "DING!" My computer pad notifies me that something has completed, I nearly hit the roof in fear, since I wasn't expecting anything from it. After a second, when I calmed down, I brought the pad up onto my lap angled so I could see the screen, "what's up here?" I said out loud while turning on the screen light. What I saw was "Power scan; Unknown Object, Complete." On the screen with an "okay" and "cancel option" oh my god, "that's right! I remember now, I came to these ruins to see what the power readings I was getting from here, they were like the same readings I get from chaos energy, but all from that one blue orb here... Which is the last thing I can remember touching before nothingness... But the ruins I came in we're all falling apart, now it looks like it's new, all intact! Something's up, and I don't like it" I said while standing up with the pad in my hand and an aching head. I give a final look around the room, "this definitely isn't the same place, or is it?" I thought to myself while staring at the orb.

HAI GUYS, sorry I was late with this and that its short, but I was busy and this is really just an introduction to the whole story left on sort of a cliffhanger, so yeah, hope you liked it to some extent and stay safe y'all. Have a good one!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2015 ⏰

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