23 Animals

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  He brushes my cheek and cups it in his hand, a warm and gentle embrace. "You look beautiful tonight, I would like to see you again." He whispers in my ear, like the way the wind blows on a warm summer night.
   I want to invite him inside, I quite like this one. He's handsome, strong shoulders, a chiseled jaw. I stand in awe at the man who's looking deep in my eyes, wondering what I'll say next.
  "Thank you, i'd like that very much." I pause. He kisses my hand and starts to head down the stone walkway. "Wait!" I reach after him, he turns around and glares back, his green eyes beaming, hoping and knowing i'll say more. "Who said the night needs to stop here? It's dark out and very cold, would you like to come in for some tea?"
  He nods his head and takes my hand, following closely behind.  I unlock the door and step inside. A cat steps forward and rubs against his leg, he bends down to pet it.
  "I'll go make us some tea, you can sit wherever." I walk away but i hear him mutter something along the lines of "my god."
  He takes in his environment, observing all the glass tanks filled with reptiles and fish. Another cat walks by and I catch him petting the little animal. "You have a lot of animals!" I hear him shout to me from the front room.
  "23 to be exact." I respond. I walk back in holding a tray with two cups of warm tea, I set it down and sit across from him, awaiting for him to take a sip.
  Not even a minute later we're having a lovely conversation and he takes the cup in his hands. He blows on it a for a second and takes a sip, this is my favourite part.
  His eyes go wide, he grabs his throat. The cup falls onto the ground. I pity him, he'll know better soon. He looks at me with horror, oh how I hate that look. It's the same one they all give me, the sudden realization that something is wrong.
  Now don't worry dear reader, I didn't poison him, I'm not that cruel. I make my way over to where the once strong man was sitting and I pick up the little kitty that has now taken his place.
  The very same green eyes glare at me, confused and scared. "Now I have 24."

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