Chapter 13 - If He Can't Save Anyone

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"Yeah, that sounds about right, Mia." Tails agreed. If we can figure out who built it, then we can finally be done with this. 
"Then may I make a suggestion?" Amy asked, looking to her peers. "It may benefit us to figure out when the killer could have built it? That way we can see who has alibis for that specific time!"
"That's... a really good idea. Yeah! What Amy said!" Sonic agreed, giving her a thumbs up.

"From the information we gathered, it can be no later than 7 am." Blaze started with.
"Because that's when we were all together?" Vector clarified, his arms crossed as he thought.
"The killer could have built it at any time!" Jet shrilled, Tails wincing at his volume.
"In broad daylight? I don't think so."  Tails added, skeptical of Jet's suggestion.
"What? Why not?!" He screeched back, slamming a closed fist against his podium in anger. "All they'd have to do is go to the Warehouse..."
"...take what they need..." He continued, piecing the puzzle in his own head.
"...then take it back to their room and we'd be none the wiser!"

He shook his head, pointing over to the green bird to give him a taste of his own medicine. "No! That's wrong!" He grinned, finding contradictions was therapeutic to him, clearing his throat before continuing. "That wouldn't make a lot of sense, if you had a look at the stock-take of the warehouse."
"The kid's right. There was a roster for the warehouse to check the inventory. I signed up for the 10 pm check yesterday, but nothing was out of the ordinary." Vector added to Tails' argument, supporting his claim.
"Right, so it was definitely night time, that the killer had to have set it up." Jet submitted, retreating back into his podium.
"Ah, I see. No one has an alibi for beyond 10 pm, then... my plan was a bust." Amy sighed, as though defeated.
"No Amy! You really helped with that idea!" The fox reassured, smiling comfortingly towards her.

"I'd like to know, who was the first person in the cafeteria?" Silver queried, glancing to each inmate.
"Ah! That would be me, Silver. Can't outpace the fastest thing alive! Early for everything!" Sonic proudly stated, puffing his chest out.
"Excellent, then I can only think of three possible scenarios." He chuckled, pointing to Vector. "You could very well be the killer, in fact, you could be lying about the stocktake, since no one was there to confirm you actually did the check." The hedgehog seemed to grow angrier, Vector was speechless to this accusation, only clenching his fist. Soon, Silver pointed towards Sonic. "The second scenario is that Sonic, you could be the killer still. Since you were the first one there, you had ample time to set up that door trap, then all you'd have to do is just blend in like nothing happened when the rest of us came into the room." Now Sonic was starting to sweat, he hardly had anything that contradicted Silver's statement.
"For the final scenario. Amy, you could also be the killer, trying to deceive us all by 'helping' us narrow down a time frame. When in reality, you could have easily obtained those components outside of the warehouse."
"H-Hey! You can't accuse me like that!" Amy barked at Silver.
"Yeah! Me neither!" Vector joined in, growling at Silver.
"You're running your lips too fast for your own good!" Sonic added, joining in on the anger.

"I'M NOT THE KILLER!" All three shrieked. Tails felt overwhelmed, Silver had successfully thrown the trial into a yell-fest, and now it was hard for him to think over the screaming. God damn it Silver, if only you had kept your mouth shut... I'm going to have to try  to sort out all 4 of them arguing. I have to find a contradiction in one of their statements!

"Any of you can be the killer!"
"No! I refuse to accept that! There's no way I'm the killer!"
"I can't be the killer!"
"Why would I even kill?!"

Tails started to sweat and pant, he closed his eyes, trying to concentrate. Focus, Tails! You can't give up now! The fate of everyone in this room depends on YOU! You can't lose now! He gulped, shutting his eyes tighter, focusing on the loud voices.

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