Chapter 1:Enter Harlock D.Karna

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'Pirate'= Thoughts
"PIRATE"=Yelling out loud
'PIRATE'=Yelling in thoughts

Location-New World-Wano
year 1484

Third P.O.V
My name is Harlock D.Karna im from the country Wano and I plan on leaving it today to become a pirate, now you may ask how I know about pirates since Wano doesn't comunicate with the world out side of it's own country well about two years ago I met a pirate crew called the Rocks pirates and one of its members Edward Newgate told me about pirate,marine,world goverment and devil fruit he even gave me a book called the devil fruit encyclopedia, speaking of devil fruits about a year ago I just happen to of eaten one but before i ate it i look in the encylopedia and found what it's called Hito-Hito no Mi model:Karna which grants me the abilitys of karna anyway enough talking about devil fruits.

Today is the day i leave Wano for my own journey but before that i need to try get some people to join my crew, and i've also got some friends who are willing to join they are Shunsui Kyōraku he ate the Ichi-Ichi no Mi, Ryūken Ishida who ate the Shou Shou no Mi, Coyote Starrk who ate the Inu-Inu no mi Model: Fenrir, Tsunade who ate the Chiyu Chiyu no Mi, Sirzechs D.Lucifer who ate the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Satan,
Ajuka D.Beelzebub who ate the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Beelzebub. We have all known each other since we were kids and all dreamed of leaving Wano and today we do that.

Wano-Kyōraku palace
Shunsui:"Agh who is it" said slighty annoyed that some one woke him up from his sleep.
Harlock:"OH SHUNSUI YOU AWAKE YET" said yelling
Shunsui:"Yeah im awake what is it Harlock"
Harlock:"Todays the day we leave Wano"
Shunsui"Is it i completly forgot just let me get my swords then we can go get the others"
Shunsui then went to his room to get his swords after he comes back we leave to go get Ryūken.

Wano-Ishida palace
Shunsui:"So what do you Ryūken is doing know"
Harlock:"Probraly reading about medican"
Ryūken:"Stop knocking so loud Harlock im getting everthing ready"
The opens to reveal Ryūken ready to leave.
Ryūken:"Alright lets go"
After a small chat we leave to get our next member
After a walk we finally come across where our next member is and of course its a bar, we walk in and look around and try and find her.
Ryūken:"there she is in the back cornor and suprisenly she isn't drunk"
We walk up to her and she see's us coming up to her.
Tsunade:"Hey guys we finally leaving this country"
Shunsui:"Yep know lets go we still have to get the other three"
Tsunade:"Okay lets go"
After that we leaving to go get the next three, after a long walk we finally come across were our next member is.
Starrk:"Took you guys long enough to come and get me"
Harlock"We'll Starrk get ready we still have to go get the other who are probraly alreader at the ship"
After a few minutes of waiting we are ready to meet the other two at the ship.
Starrk:"Ok lets go"
Harlock:"So how are your guys devil fruit coming along"
Shunsui:"Well i've mastered my devil fruits basic abilities"
Ryūken:"Im able to manipulate my devil fruits basic energys into arrows"
Tsunade:"Im able to heal any wound that isn't fatal, a severed lim or an organ"
Starrk:"I'vd mastered my devil fruit Cero ability to the point i can shot it out of my guns"
After a long walk we finally come arive at out ship the Arcadia which Ajuka and Sirzechs are already on.
Sirzechs:"Hey what took you guys so long"
Ajuka:"That isn't important Zechs what is important is that there here know, so captain are we ready to leave the ships all set for departure"
Harlock:"Well lets not waist any mord time and leave,LETS SET SAIL"

1 week after departure
Starrk:"Hey captain there's a marine ship heading toward us"
Harlock:"Well looks like our first battle is about to start"
Ryūken:"So who's fighting"
Harlock:"Me and Shunsui will board there the marine ship while you and Starrk provide covering fire, Zechs, Ajuka and Tsunade will deal with anyone who boards the ship"
After we made our plan and everyone agreed me and Shunsui boarded the marine ship and where greeted by someone who looked to be of the rank of commerdore.
(M.C-Marine commerdore)
M.C:"Looks like the pirates have boarded out ship surrender and you'll live"
Harlock:"We don't plan on surrendering to anyone know lets fight"

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