New stuudent

36 2 1

Haruto pov
I really can't sleep right now I don't know what am I thinking about and why I can't sleep but I really need to sleep right now because I have school tomorrow!!!!! I was cheaking on my phone and it was it was already 3.00am and I really can't sleep right now after a couple of minutes my I eyes went close.
My were arlam was ringging very loud than I wake up and getting ready for school.After 30 min cycling to school I arrived at school.I saw all my friends were taking then went to my seat and lay my head down to the table.

Hyunsuk pov
I was listening to Jihoon who were telling us some joke.I got distracted by Haruto that laying his head on the table,he looks very sleepy.I wonder why is he looking so sleepy.should I ask him.Then come Mr.Lee(he was our class teacher)."So good morning class,we will have a new student in our class,Y/N come in."After he said that a beautiful girl come in to our class.

Haruto pov
I was peacefully sleeping and come Mr.Lee he were disturbing my sleepy.I have to wake up if not I will get detention for sleeping in class.He were saying that a new student will be in our class. And a girl went in I don't know why I was staring her and I fill like have seen her but I don't know were.

Y/N pov
It's was my first day and was a bit nervous.When I arrived at school I went to the teachers stuff and ask were is my class.This one guy teacher look at me and say "You must be the new student right,I'm Mr.Lee your class teacher"than I reply "Yes I'm the new student, nice to meet you Mr.Lee."and smile.He bring me to the class and I guess these is my class.He went in first,after he told me to come in I walk in the class and went to the side of Mr.Lee,"would you like to introduce yourself to us"Mr.Lee said to me."sure,My name is Y/N,it was very nice to meet you all I hope that we can get along"I reply then smile.I feel really uncomfortable because of this one boy who was staring me like I've done something wrong."Ok,Y/N how about you sit in front of Junkyu."Mr.Lee telling me to sit.I went to the boy that raising his hand up and sit in front of him.

Writer:how was this chapter?I sorry for the short Chapter🙇🏻‍♀️If you have some idea I would like to know for me to continuing the next chapter 🥰Thank you for reading my story I really appreciate it💗I will update as soon as posible 😘

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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