Part 38

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Stevie was laying in the hospital feeling like her whole world had crumbled beneath her feet. She hadn't heard anything more about Joan's condition, and when she called the prison Governor Jackson wasn't answering his phone. She felt hopeless and helpless. She felt like she was going to lose Joan and her father close to the same time. Although she didn't have a good relationship with her dad and hadn't ever really, she still felt the pain and fear of future loss. After all, as long as there was breath there was hope, but everything was falling apart.

The knock on the door brought her out of her thoughts and she rubbed at her tear stained cheeks before the door opened.

"Miss Simmons." Liza Blanchard said with a stiff smile as she closed the door behind her.
"I'm glad to see you recovering nicely. I've been very concerned since your incident."

"You mean since Vera Bennett got someone to try to kill me?" Stevie said sharply as she sat up on the bed and then she sighed.
"I'm sorry. I don't mean to be a moody bitch. I'm just worried about Joan. I haven't heard anything since yesterday morning when Governor Jackson stopped by. Do you know anything?"

"I know she made it out of surgery." Liza replied as she sat in the chair beside of the bed and laid the folder she'd brought in her lap.
"She's sedated but stable for now."

"Thank God." Stevie said with a sigh.
"Is there any way I could see her?"

"I think that's more of a question for themedical staff here and the Governor of Wentworth while you are a prisoner there, but that's actually why I am here." Liza said as she pushed a hand through her short blonde hair.
"I don't think you'll be returning to Wentworth."

"Miss Blanchard, I've already told you that while I'm a prisoner I want to be where Joan is." Stevie said adamantly.
"It's not negotiable."

"I understand that, Miss Simmons, but what I'm telling you is that-"

"Joan will live! She has too! Don't tell me she won't live. I couldn't take it." Stevie said defeatedly as she interrupted what Liza was trying to say.

Liza looked at her compassionately and smiled sadly at the young woman.

"You really do love her, don't you?"

Stevie shook her head so hard she thought it would fall off.

"With all my heart. She's going to help me raise my baby." Stevie replied as she touched her stomach.
"Our baby."

Liza just shook her head in understanding and didn't comment anything else about it. What could she say to offer comfort in this situation? And saying anything negative would just be torturous to the beautiful young soul in front of her.

"I'm sure you'll have a beautiful life, Miss Simmons. Joan has made sure of that." Liza said as she opened the file on her lap.

"So you see why I have to serve my time at Wentworth then." Stevie replied and Liza nodded.

"I do, but your time is up, Miss Simmons." Liza said as she handed her the top paper. Stevie looked at it in confusion as she read the words approved for immediate release that was stamped on it.

"What does this mean?" Stevie asked, not trusting her own eyes or her brain.

"It means you are free, Stevie. You won't be going back to Wentworth except to pick up whatever items you have. You won't be going back to any prison and that guard outside your room left before I came through the door. You are free to go visit Joan any time you like if they'll let you in." Liza said and Stevie started to cry as she looked at her.

"What? How?" Stevie managed to ask and Liza graced her with a smile.

"Joan Ferguson must love you an insane amount to hand over everything she did to the police. I've been trying to get her to for some time now. Not only did it incriminate Vera Bennett and Jake Stewart in crimes against her, but there was enough evidence in there combined with what I already had to prove your innocence and conspiracy by several police officers." This was one time Liza could say without a doubt even she was amazed at the outcome.
"The woman is a better detective than the entire police department. The man who raped you and his father are both going to prison for a very long time."

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