Thirty Eight

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Wesley's POV

I could feel warm skin pressed against my bare chest as I slowly emerged from the best sleep I'd had in ages, it brought a smile to my face. I didn't open my eyes straight away, I just enjoyed her body heat against mine and listened to her rhythmic breathing, she was still asleep and I wondered what she would think when she woke up. Last night was ridiculously good but waking up like this was even better, I thought as I opened my eyes, and then took in the girl laying with me. Her bare skin, the parts that weren't wrapped up in the white hotel blanket, her blonde hair was messy, all reminders of last night. I felt her body tense slightly against mine, she was starting to wake up but it took her a few minutes to make it known. She just lay there quietly and although I couldn't see her face I knew she was deconstructing last night, the idea that she might not be as happy as I am right now made me feel sick. What if she regretted it, what if she felt differently about me, should I have made sure we waited longer? All these questions flew out of my mind when I felt Skye moving against me, she was turning over very slowly and she really had no idea what her naked body sliding against mine was doing to me.

Once she was facing me she raised her eyes to look up at mine, I smirked at her, "I wondered when you were finally going to admit to being awake". I tried to keep the mood light, although inside I was anxious, I just wanted to know what she was thinking. After she realised I had known she was awake I told her that I knew she was thinking and I just flat out asked her to tell me what was going on in her head. But she just laid there for a bit longer, not giving me any indication of how she felt and making my anxiety worse, "Skye" I almost snapped at her but this was killing me. Her eyes darted back up to mine, I felt bad for pushing her for her thoughts on last night, until she said, "I'm happy". I grinned, hearing that made my heart swell, all I could ever ask is that she was happy. I didn't think I could get any happier right now but in true Skye form, whenever she got carried away she didn't stop talking, "I'm glad my first time was with you" she started. The tension flew out of my body, "I don't regret it for a second", she continued making my heart swell as I realised those were the words I needed to hear. "I love you" were the icing on the cake, this was officially my favourite moment ever, and I had thought it would be tough to top last night's events.

She went on to say something about her having nothing to compare it to and I briefly wondered if that meant it wasn't good for her but she wasn't complaining because she didn't know how good it could be. I didn't stay with that horrible thought too long because I realised she was nervous I was comparing her to previous hook up's but really there was absolutely no comparison. "Up until a few minutes ago what happened last night was the best moment of my life. But hearing you say right now that you are happy and you love me has bumped last night to my second best moment" I told her. It was the truth, I brought her face up to look at mine and she smiled, making a remark about my way with words. I took in her face, she was beautiful and I was very aware that her bare body was somewhat pressed against mine, my heart started to race and I was filled with desire. For a split second I thought she felt the same way but that idea was squashed pretty quickly when she suggested we order breakfast.

After we ate I had to get a little bit of distance from her, she seemed to have no intentions of putting clothes on anytime soon and she clearly needed a bit of time to digest what had happened before she'd be ready to do it again. 'Not too much time' joked my cheeky inner self and I reluctantly agreed it would be a shame if we didn't repeat last night again soon, seeing as how it was epic. "I need to go see Keaton for a second" I said while pulling on some sweatpants, hoping she wouldn't question why I needed to see Keaton, seeing as there was no good reason. I made my way across the hall to their room and knocked, a sleepy looking Drew answered the door. He didn't say anything, just grinned and raised his hand for a high five. I didn't  reciprocate, knowing that if I did it would be admitting me and Skye had sex and it wasn't something that needed to be shared. "Oh, sorry man" he said as I walked past him into their room, he was consoling me for not getting any last night. I rolled my eyes, and then swiftly dove on Keaton who was pretending to be asleep in the bed furthest from the door. We chatted about last night's show for a few minutes, which helped me clear my head of Skye fantasies, before Drew went to take a shower.

"Tell Drew we're leaving in an hour" I told Keaton as I left their room and made my way back into our room. Skye was still in the bed, "Drew and Keaton say hi" I told her sitting on the end of it trying to ignore her hotness. "I know I said earlier I had no comparison for what happened last night, but it was amazing. I just wanted you to know that", she told me factually. I hadn't even realised that was bugging me so much but hearing her say it, I felt a wave of relief, I had been worried I had hurt her or she hadn't enjoyed it. I moved up to where she was sitting as she told me it was incredible and we should have done it sooner, she blushed which made me laugh. "Well at least we know now and can do it again" she said, making my heart race as the thought of it. I didn't want to get too carried away, I knew she said we could do it again but she didn't mean right now and I didn't want to push it. "I'm going to have a quick shower" I said using it as an excuse to move away from her naked self, giving her a light kiss and disappearing into the bathroom. I wondered if I should talk to her about signals, because I needed her future ones to be clear if I was ever going to be able to read them, everything she said turned me on and I knew that wasn't her intention.

I stood under the cold water for a few minutes, before quickly washing myself with the hotel body wash and jumping out. I grabbed a towel wrapped it around my waist and headed back into the bedroom to get my clothes. God damn it, she still wasn't dressed, I thought as I saw her lounging in the bed, is she trying to kill me? "Deja vu" I heard Skye say and I gave her an inquisitive look, which resulted in her dropping her eyes to my towel. I grinned and remembered how yesterday had started off with me in a towel, I made a joke about it and swiftly began looking for some clothes to put on. As I was searching through my bag I heard Skye sigh from the bed, she was probably tired, "What's wrong, you ready to go home?" I asked her. I sat down on the edge of the bed so I was facing her, she was resting back on the big white pillows, she looked so gorgeous, I leant over to give her a kiss. My lips only lightly brushed hers when I felt her hands on my shoulders, pulling her body up towards mine and I could feel my blood pumping again. Maybe she was ready for round 2 just like I was I thought for a moment, but I highly doubted it so I took her hands from my shoulders, avoiding an awkward rejection. I got up again to get dressed, tearing myself away from my ridiculously hot, naked girlfriend on the bed, I'm a saint.

"Was it not good for you?" I heard Skye's muffled voice and turned to find she has disappeared under the blankets. It took a minute to register what she was asking, "What?" I quizzed her, she was insane if she was asking about last night. "Are you asking if last night was good for me?" I had to double check because I wasn't sure, but my suspicions were confirmed when the bedspread moved indicating she was nodding. I felt bad that she would even think that, had I not told her it was one of the best moments of my life? I slowly pulled the comforter back so I could see her pretty face, it was filled with confusion, "It was...." I searched for the right word, "Mind blowing" I finished. The confusion didn't leave her face, "Why don't you want to do it again then?", and now it was my turn to be confused. I was stunned, this whole morning I had been avoiding getting close to her and it turns out I could have been having sex with her. "I, I didn't know the option was on the table" I stammered, still surprised that she wanted to, she grinned at me and raised herself to lean on her elbows. "Your girlfriend, who is naked in bed I might add, is telling you how amazing you are and trying to kiss you and you don't think the option is on the table?" she raised a good point, I had been too busy trying not to read into anything that I hadn't seen the signs.

She made a joke about me being clueless so I lunged at her, tickling her until she gave in, her laugh made me smile. Once she had pleaded for me to stop, I laid on my side and rested my head on my elbow so I could look down into her blue eyes. I knew I had missed a few things this morning but I also couldn't be the only one who made all the decisions or made things happen, I had no idea how to be a boyfriend, I was winging it. "I am just as new to being in love as you are" I told her in a serious tone, "So don't rely on me to always know what the right thing to do is" I warned her knowing I was bound to make mistakes if it was all left up to me. I went on to say that the only reason I didn't want to have sex this morning was because I was giving her time and that if given the opportunity I would be with her all day. I felt her body shift beneath me, "Are you going to talk about it all day or...." she said and gave me a cheeky wink. This was more like it, I thought, her telling me what she wants and me more than willing to give it to her. My mouth was on her neck in an instant, feeling her warm skin as I trailed my lips along it, her body squirming under me. I really didn't need to be told twice, well apparently I did but not anymore.

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