عبارات حزينه 슬픈

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قال لها. في لحظه الوداع احبك وسوفا احبك لن انساك وبعد سنوات قليله التقاها صدفه وقال لها. من انتي  قالت لهو. انا من احببتك ونسيتني انا من عشقتك وخزلتني انا من تعبت روحي وانت رميتني
هل تزكرتني
He told her. In the moment of farewell I love you and I will love you I will not forget you and after a few years he met her by chance and told her. Who are you? I am the one who loved you and forgot me I am the one who loved you and you made me lost who tired my soul and you threw He told her. In the moment of farewell I love you and I will love you I will not forget you and after a few years he met her by chance and told her. Who are you? I am the one who loved you and forgot me I am the one who loved you and you made me lost when I tired my soul and you threw me did you remember me

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