Part three.

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"Well?" Hitch asked leaning onto you, oscillating her body by holding onto her crossed ankles. Her shoulder was now resting onto yours, her neck stretched so that her ear would be on the same level as your mouth. She was not looking at you because, although she was ready to hear it all, she also needed to pay full attention to that round now that it was Marlo's turn. You could have bet your life she was not even paying attention to you anymore, now that his hand was on the bottle. And you knew, because you knew her as much as she knew you. You quickly replied with a low "I'll tell you later, mh?" which she, as expected, took no notice of, her full attention entirely captured by something someone far more important. No one knew exactly what was going on between the two of them, not even you despite being Hitch's best friend; not even her, for the record. It was simply safe to say that, somehow, she was his and he was hers, and that was common knowledge. For this reason, when Marlo deliberately directed the bottleneck to her, gaining cheers and praises from his fellow (unsurprised) friends, no one dared to say anything. And that would happen always, every single time that game was proposed and, despite that, Hitch still enthusiastically jumped up before launching herself into his arms, gracing him with a sloppy kiss.

"Jesus Christ, if I see another kiss 'm gonna rip my eyes out with my own hands," Ymir looked away from the couple with pure disgust written all over her face, obtaining a gentle push on her shoulder by Pieck.

"Awh, Ymir," she started, now pouting and stroking her arm to show the other girl some sort of feigned solidarity. "Would you like to change the game? Something more adequate to your liking. Maybe..." she stopped for a second, getting closer to her as if to whisper into her ear, but her tone was still firm and relatively loud so that everyone could hear. Then, she continued "seven minutes in heaven?"

Ymir's face suddenly changed, lighting up at the thought of having some alone time with Historia, away from everyone, with the freedom of doing whatever they truly wanted. And she was a woman of few words, this is true, but when she turned her face to look into Pieck's eyes, with a rare smile that could speak hundreds of words and languages on her face, everyone knew it was game over.

And seven minutes in heaven it was.

The first person to spin the bottle and select the lucky candidate to spend the fateful seven minutes with was again Berthold, who adopted the mindset of "first in, first out", as he could not even bear the thought of prolonging the idea of having to spend seven minutes alone with someone. But it was when the bottle stopped, that he truly looked horrified.

His turn landed on Annie. His all-time, since childhood, unreciprocated crush.

Completely overlooking Annie's feelings which, truthfully speaking, could not care less about Berthold and his infatuation for her, Reiner loudly gasped smacking his friend's back in a very unsuccessful effort to encourage him, causing him to lose balance as he began to stand up. The girl in question followed him with her gaze, her arms crossed on her chest, her expression didn't even budge as he finally stood up in front of her, waiting for her to get into the closet first. Annie's brows furrowed and her lips slightly parted, her expression conveyed the loudest "are we really doing this?" but, as she realised that the loud cheering and incitements left her with pretty much no choice, she rolled her eyes dropping her head backwards to make sure everyone would notice her annoyance, emphasising every last huff and puff. Lastly, she stood up and walked into the closet without even waiting for the tall guy to follow her. Once they were both in, she slammed the door shut.

"What do you think they are doing?" Connie whispered taking a few steps towards the closet and cupping his hands around his ear, trying to catch any word, or sound, that simply was not there.

"Don't be dumb Connie, they're probably counting their seconds 'till their time is over. I bet they aren't even –" but Jean didn't even get the chance to finish his sentence as, after something that seemed like barely two minutes, the door burst open and Annie quickly walked off, "fuck this" she groaned as she went back to her place, causing a loud thud as she sat.

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