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Nobody's POV:

Meanwhile inside of the control room:

???:A strict time limit and a vast battle ground... nothing quite like it to bring everyone's ardor into the open and uncover their skills!

???:Insight the ability to grasp the situation quickly and accurately, Agility the ability to stick a dynamic entry without ever being late to the party, Judgment the ability to face any obstacle with coolness and composure and of course, sheer fighting prowess

???:we can gauge their respective levels of those foundational skills by way of the points system

???:Oh my, we've raked in a bumper crop this year.

???:we cant be sure of that yet

???:the thing to really test their mettle...IS THIS

Once the the button was pressed, out came the gimmick that was the 0 pointer, which caused a bit of damage in the area where the examinees were seeing it and they couldn't help but panic

The other kids take off running. Fleeing as fast as they can. Izuku, who was seeing all of this was still on top of the building, observing the robot that was destroying the area but he was however using his charka to boost his hearing and focusing until his ears twitch at a distant, quiet sound It's a voice, an exclamation.

"Oww..." says the voice. A very familiar voice. Unbidden, the face of the nice brunette girl he met at the entrance appears in Izuku's mind and jumped off the building with a serious look on his face  and landed in the middle of the road, the pack of stampeding examinees weaving around him but Izuku focused only towards the girl that needed help with his eyes changing into the ones his companion has...Red cat like eyes...the eyes of The Kyuubi Kitsune.

Time itself slows to a crawl. Each step feels like it takes agonizing minutes for Izuku, his senses heightened, his feet hitting against the asphalt with the sound around him starts to fade away, reverberating like the echo from a deep well.

The Zero Pointer is almost right on top of the girl. The treads are only meters away. She'll be crushed in a few short moments. She has her arm against the ground as she tries to drag herself forward, but Izuku can tell that it's no use. Rocks have her feet pinned. The girl's face is not one of confidence. Her vision was week, her mouth contorted back in a sullen glower. There're tears at the edge of her eyes. Each breath is a huff.

Izuku, the more he step, the more he felt his blood pumping even more...and then he screamed but it wasn't that of was the scream of a beast ready to devour what's in it's way.

Letting his chakra swirl around him, causing a faint red aura around him making him get faster with another step closer led to Izuku jumping in the air, causing a spider-web like crack on the ground

Faster! Higher! He skips up between the walls of the office buildings, climbing up and up. Each step tears away at the wall under his feet. Each step moves him faster. The muscles in his leg bulge, shredding the ends of his pant sleeves. Wind hurtles past his ears, stinging his eyes. He narrows his vision. He can't afford to fail.

As he reaches the edge of the building, Izuku jumps off. He rockets towards the top of the Zero Pointer. Izuku spins in midair, bringing his legs together with Red like aura surrounding them. His feet crash against the robot's boxy mock-face.

Legs meets metal.

Metal gives.

The steel sheet crumples in and dents. The robots skids backwards, making an awful screeching noise. And then a tread slips. The robot teeters. And falls.

With a momentous crash, the Zero Point Robot drops to the ground, spraying dust everywhere. Izuku smiles a bit.

And then he feels gravity take hold of him. Izuku suddenly realizes he never actually planned how he would land after defeating the Zero Pointer. Oh. Shit.

Izuku plummets, air whipping his hair, his ears. His tracksuit blusters.

Izuku who saw the ground getting closer was getting ready to hit it hard but then something smacks into him.

Izuku's momentum vanishes with his eyes seeing that He was floating, maybe a meter above the ground. Above him, lying on the shattered chassis of a villain robot, the nice brunette girl puts her fingers together with a pained grimace.

It's only thanks to his enhanced hearing that Izuku makes out her quiet "Release."

Izuku plops to the ground unharmed. A millisecond later, the broken robot smacks into the ground next to him. The brunette girl leans off to the side and hurls.

He pulls himself up to his feet and waling towards the Brunette.

"Hey, are you okay?" he says. She doesn't respond. Izuku takes a few steps towards her. "Are you alright?" The girl groans weakly. She raises her head to look at him. Izuku smiles gently, and she manages to return a weak grin of her own.

"The exam is now over!" Present Mic yells out over all of Ground Beta. Izuku stumbles under the sound, he covers his ears to block out the noise forgetting to turn off the Charka from his ears while hearing the laughter of his companion. And then there was silence. Ever since the exam began, Izuku has been tuning out white noise. Quirks firing off, robots attacking, metal grinding. The sounds of battle. But now there is silence. Except for some mild conversation from the crowd down the street.

Even from here, Izuku can pick out parts of it.

"That guy—"

"—gimmick thing in one hit—"

"—speed was something else—"

"—that kid's incredible."

Izuku scoffs. They only care about how strong he is. None of them gave a single damn about the girl. Izuku hops up and sits beside her.

"Exam's over?" she says hoarsely. Izuku nods. The girl lets out another low groan. But when She looked up to try and thank Izuku she saw that the boy was gone leaving her there to be treated by the Nurse known as Recovery Girl .

Meanwhile we see Izuku jumping from roof to roof with a serious look on his face

'...Should I try to talk to other tail Beast?'

'I said before they will be the ones who will decide to interact with you or  not, don't rush it Izuku and besides you still have to learn a few more techniques when you get home'

'Yeah ok'

Chapter End. 

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