03. The Familiar

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When she woke the sun was pouring into her room and the smells and sounds were blissfully familiar. She was alone, carefully tucked beneath her blankets, still wearing the dress she had been the night before. Her body ached as she turned over, bruised where Colden had crushed her. But as her eyes wandered around the room she could see he was gone, no longer whining in the corner like a wounded animal. Only a few drops of blood now dried on the wooden floor revealed that anything untoward had happened. She rose from her bed shakily, crossing the room to wash her face in the basin by the door. She gathered a clean dress from the wardrobe and removed her outer garments. But as she gathered her chemise to slip it over her head she heard a small sound. Her cat was sitting on the foot of the bed, small and delicate as he had always been. He was turned away from her, his paws folded over his eyes as he slept. A blush crept to her face. Was he really a man? How could he have watched her change for so many nights or slept in her arms in the afternoons. Did he have no shame? Or perhaps she had been delirious. Maybe he was only a cat.

She pulled off her chemise and quickly changed into her new clothes, trying to avoid waking Nas. But as soon as she was presentable, the cat's eyes snapped open and he gazed at her pointedly, his tail wrapped neatly around his legs. She reached out to him and he accepted her gentle caress of his face. All of the sudden she felt foolish. Of course he was only a cat. But just as her heart began to quiet she heard something she did not expect.


It was Nas. Though his mouth did not move she knew it was his voice. It was the same voice she had heard the night before when Colden attacked her. The voice of that man. Her eyes darted around the room, searching for the source. But she already knew. The cat was staring pointedly at her, sitting perfectly still as if a small movement would startle her.

"Nas?" she breathed. She reached for him again but hesitated. He shrank back, visibly wounded by the distance she put between them.

"Does my other form not please you?" The voice whispered in her mind again, sending a shiver down her back. She was lost for words, unsure of how to respond. His human form was undeniably lovely, but the shock had not yet worn off.

"I was surprised," she replied softly, crouching down to meet his eyes. "I thought you were a cat, Nas. What are you?"

"I am a Familiar. I can be whatever form you desire. I know your heart. You wanted a cat, Master. So that is what I am."

Olwen swallowed nervously.

"Can you transform at any time?"

Nas blinked slowly at her, tilting his head subtly. She felt the urge to reach for him again. He was so precious, smiling up at her gently from the bed.

"Yes, Master. I stayed in my this form because you favored it."

"I thought it was your only form," Olwen sighed. "But why did you not speak to me?"

"I did not want to frighten you."

Olwen picked the cat up in her arms and held it under her chin. Its smell was familiar and comforting. Nas purred quietly, leaning happily against her. She could not punish him for deceiving her. His presence had not only been welcome over the last few weeks, but he had also protected her from Colden. She flinched and Nas looked up at her with concern.

"Where is Colden?" she asked softly. Nas reached a small paw up and rested it against her face.

"He will not be back, Master. I disposed of him. He tried to hurt you."

Olwen shuddered thinking of Colden's hands on her body. She wanted to feel some guilt or remorse for his fate, but all she felt was grim satisfaction. A small smile flashed across her face but she shook her head to dispel her dark thoughts.

"Thank you, Nas," she whispered into his fur. He was surprised at her reaction, expecting fear or anger. But she was calm, her body relaxed and as warm and inviting as it had always been. As she settled into her comfortable chair in the sitting room with Nas in her lap, both felt content for the first time since their meeting. The heavy fog of Colden's betrayal had been lifted and much of Olwen's happiness soon returned.

They spent another week in peace, their lives finally returning to normal. Nas was not much more than her loyal companion in those long golden days, but they began having long conversations every evening in front of the small fire.

She learned that he was older than her, nearing three hundred. He had served one other master, though she had died young and over a century before. Familiars came only to users of magic as they were shapeshifters that needed a medium to maintain a human form. Some wandered for centuries in their animal forms searching for a Master. Though Olwen and Nas had met by chance their bond was immediate. It was natural that they should feel a strong affinity for one another. Since Nas had arrived Olwen's magic had become stronger and her abilities had only increased. Soon she would be able to realize the full power of her gift. It was invigorating but also worrying. The stronger her magic became the more likely it was that she would be called to the capital to join the knights of the Emperor. Talented healers were rare and valued highly in war. As long as she lived quietly it would be difficult for her to be recruited. But she knew she had to be careful. Tools had been invented to measure mana stored in the body and if she were to encounter one it would be impossible to hide her power.

Luckily, her cottage was secluded and she had always avoided gatherings in the village. The festivals and parties had never tempted her. Too many eyes on her had always made her very anxious. She preferred her solitary life especially now that Nas was by her side. He did not seem to mind their quiet existence and each Spring day passed slowly as they grew closer.

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