Billie Joe

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"where is your mom, anyways, jinx?" mike asked as we all got inside jinx's house.
"vegas," he responded dryly. i knew his mom was a rough subject. he never liked talking about her.
"no, she hasn't come back yet."
"what?" i questioned. "but hasnt she been gone like 3 weeks? shouldnt she be back yknow?"
"its fine, billie. can we just drop it?" he responded.
"drop it, beej."
i felt really bad. i knew he never really liked his mom, but he was all alone. i moved myself closer to jinx and rested my head on his shoulder.
"im sorry for raising my voice," he whispered, just so i could here.
"its okay, j," i responded quietly.
"okay, who wants first hit?" tre said quite loudly while holding a freshly rolled joint. mike took the joint out of tre's hand and took a long hit. he blew the smoke into my fave just to fuck with me, so i flipped him off. mike passed the joint to jinx, and he did the same as mike, but he didnt blow it in my face.
"damn tre, you should let me roll next time. you suck at this," jinx told tre. i laughed because jinx was right. tre couldnt roll for shit. jinx seemed to be in a better mood than when we had brought up where his mom was, so we continued passing the joint around.
when the joint was fully smoked, and we were all a pretty high, jinx put the joint out on the ash tray that sat on the coffee table in the living room. the whole house smelled like weed, to no one's surprise.
mike and tre stood up and mike said, "we're going get snacks. if you two decide to fuck dont be loud." tre started laughing like crazy and rolled his eyes. i might've gone a little res in the face because mike raised his eyebrow at me before following tre into the kitchen.
the thing was that i wasnt exactly sure how i felt about jinx. i knew i wanted to be friends with him the moment i met him, but did i want to be more than friends? i knew jinx didnt like me back. there was no way.
jinx tugged kn my sleeve, so i turned to look at him. "whatchya thinking about?" he asked. he seemed really tired, but i figured it was just because he was high.
"nothing. just spaced out yknow," i responded. i felt kind of bad for not telling him. i usually told jinx everything, but it was probably for the best that i kept this to myself.
"okay," he said with a soft voice. he moved himself behind me and put his arms around my waist, and then he rested his head on my shoulder. he started humming the tune of a song i didnt know. jinx was always different from everyone else i'd met. he was gentle around me. sometimes i'd think about how i didnt deserve him.
"im tired," jinx said after moments of him humming. "im gonna take a nap on the couch." he got up and went to the couch. then he lay down. he sighed deeply and looked like he might cry.
"you okay, jinx?" i asked him.
"uhm, i just dont want to sleep alone," he whispered nervously. i smiled at him and got up. i went to the couch and lay down in front of jinx. he wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder just as he did earlier.
"you smell really good," he whispered sleepily.
"i smell like weed and so do you," i whispered back. he giggled.
"you also smell like coconut," he said. he smiled and started humming again and nuzzled his face into my neck.
"what are you humming, jinx?" i asked. he just kept humming. after a while, i rolled over in place so that i was facing jinx. when i turned, his eyes were closed, but he was still humming. he opened his eyes and smiled. his smile was always so genuine. everywhere he went, he seemed to light up the whole room.
"hi," he whispered.
"hi," i whispered back to him. he closed his eyes again and just kept humming. soon, the humming stopped and his breathing evened out. he had fallen asleep.
i lay my head in his chest and whispered, "good night, jinx." i closed my eyes and dozed off.

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