A walk through the woods

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You and Zenitzu have been dating for 2 months so far and he has been trying his best to take you on the best dates even though you both have been really busy,today though you both are just going to take this simple,a walk through the woods.It would be a nice date even if it is just walking through the woods,you and Zenitzu held each others hands,it was a nice morning,and nobody noticed that you and Zenitzu snuck off somewhere,you both wanted to be alone together.'' Y/N do you ever feel scared?'' Zenitzu said when you both were far enough from the others,''Huh?'' You asked puzzled from his question, ''Do you ever feel scared?'' He repeated,you finally understood what he meant, ''Of course I do Zenitzu,you're not the only one who gets scared'' You answered, Zenitzu stared at you for a few seconds,stopping his tracks, ''You always look so brave,like if you are not afraid of anything'' He finally replied, ''Even if I don't look afraid, I am, I'm afraid to lose you'' Zenitzu eyes widen, ''I don't want to lose you,I love you'' You continued, ''I love you too'' He gave you a soft smile and continued walking.16 Minutes goes by,you both were about to go back until a figure ran in front of you both, ''What was that?'' You squeaked,holding onto Zenitzu's arm,Zenitzu was ready to pull out his blade,he wasn't brave but he would try his best to keep you safe,you heard a voice behind you, ''Boo'' The voice sounded familiar but you got to scared to figure it out,you jumped onto Zenitzu causing you both to collapse onto the ground,you look up to see a boar head, ''Inosuke what the hell is wrong with you?!'' You yelled, you immediately  stood up and started chasing the boar headed man while he laughed

Note!: Hello Everyone! I Apologise That This Is Short! It Is Very Late For Me,Have A Good Day/Night!

A walk through the woods Zenitzu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now