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Marsilyn was a firm believer that there was no sad feeling or problem in the world that a good chocolate crisis cake couldn't fix. Of course, she was aware that this was just a form of suppression, and that it wasn't just some magical cake. But it was nice to think that it was.

She was relieved by the end of the afternoon, when Tyler's expression was a lot lighter after his brother came home, and it was time for the Magnolia's to start their Margarita Night. She was sitting next to him on the couch, watching the TV screen as he did something on his phone. That was when Annie came in.

"I've got dessert," she announced.

"Yay!" Katy cheered. "Chef Erik brownies."

"Mom knows they're your favorite."

"So, Margarita Night underway?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah," Annie said, sitting down next to Kyle. "Aunt Helen came in with Mom and me. They're in the living room."

"As always," Tyler joked.

Annie pulled a box of brownies out, holding them in Tyler and Marsilyn's directions.

"Uh, no thanks. We gotta bounce. We're meeting with Luke," Tyler denied.

Marsilyn watched Annie's expression falter in just the slightest, but she was quick to mask her disappointment.

"Speak for yourself," Marsilyn said, elbowing him and accepting the box. Her best friend smiled at her, a closed-mouth one as if she was silently thanking her. She took a bite out of one of the brownies. "Thanks, Ann."

Kyle began to ask Annie something, only able to get out half of his sentence, "Would you like to go—" before Katy interrupted.

"Trollhunters!" she exclaimed.

Marsilyn's eyes narrowed at the younger Townsend, who gave into his sister's request before even finishing his sentence. Marsilyn was curious, or perhaps nosey, and wanted to know what it would have been.

"All right, y'all. Don't have too much fun," Tyler announced, standing up. 

Marsilyn came in tow, the two of them waving bye to their mothers before slipping out the front door.

Serenity was pretty at night. From the stars that twinkled faintly, to how the clock tower was lit up in the dark. She loved how things were walking distance in that town, and she definitely loved how it made her feel like she was living the Gilmore Girls lifestyle.

All she needed now was a Jess Mariano. 

Where Annie liked to capture the ugly parts of Serenity, Marsilyn looked for a story setting in everything. Like, what plot could be unfolding right now, where she stood. She thought in prose, sentences and paragraphs forming as she took in scenery. Every conversation followed with a "he said," "she said," in her mind.

They ended up at the cafe despite the time, Luke and Gabe already waiting for them inside. 

"We ordered for you two," Gabe announced. "Vanilla latte for the idiot," he said, sliding a drink over to Tyler. "And a large caramel brûlée latte, oat milk, with extra caramel toffee toppings, extra hot for the lady. Wow, that's a mouthful."

"Isn't it?" Tyler agreed, laughing. "I always tell her it's way too long to say."

"Hey, leave my complex coffee order alone," she warned him, glaring as she brought her drink to her mouth. "Thanks, Gabe."

"It was definitely hilarious when I asked Ty for your order and he sends me this paragraph back."

"Okay, okay, leave my drink alone," she laughed. "Try it, I swear it's heavenly."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2022 ⏰

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