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Isla and Harvey laid beneath their oak tree, her head pressed into the crease of his neck.

"Hey you know Lexi Howard?" Harvey asked making Isla pull her head up.

"The girl my brothers into?Yeah, why you asking?" She giggled.

Harvey smiled and looked away "Um she made a play and tonight's the first show and- and I was wondering if you wanted to go see it with me?"

Isla wiggled her eyebrows "Like a date?"

Harvey nodded with a smile "Like a date."

The brunette girl pulled his face towards her and nodded before kissing him. She never failed to make him breathless.

"Alright let me get ready, just meet me at my place at like six or whatever." Isla said quickly getting up and leaving him to collect his own jaw off the floor.


Isla waked out of her room in her favorite green dress only to run into Fez in a tux.

"Where you going?" They both asked in unison "Lexis play." They said again at the same time.

"Your little boyfriend taking you?" Fezco asked.

Isla nodded and pushed past the man as a knock sounded through the house.

"Yo Isla it's for you." Ashtray called out to her.

Isla responded with a quick "coming" and fixed her hair in the mirror. "I'll see y'all tonight." She said ruffling Ashtrays hair before running out the door.

"Wow, you look amazing." Harvey said pushing her hair behind her ears as he grabbed her hand and led them on their walk.

"I missed you." Harvey said with a smile.

"You saw me like two fucking hours ago." Isla said trying to hide her blush.

"Still missed you."


Isla sat in her seat giving Rue a smile as she did. "I've never seen a play." She admitted in a whisper to the boy next to her.

"We'll if you like this one maybe we can go see another one. Save up for Broadway." Harvey said reaching to grab her hand.

Islas phone vibrated in her hand reminding her to turn it to silent.

Lexis play could be summed up in one word, drama. Truth be told Isla loved it. It was a break from her world and a step into the world of an average teenager.

Isla smirked to Harvey as the curtains shut and followed him out ignoring the vibrating in her pocket.

"Hey do you want to come back to mine?" Harvey asked her twirling Isla in into his arms.

"We'll you could just come to mine. Fezco is probably running around backstage with Lexi and Ash and Faye will leave us be."

The walk home was peaceful. The calm before the storm.

The yellow hue the streetlights casted on the street soon turned into red and blue as they reached their destination.

Panic flooded Islas body as more and more cop cars became visible. The last thing they needed was another drug bust or god forbid someone to find out about that goddamn rat.

"Stay here." She whispered to Harvey. "What? No!" He replied grabbing her hand and pulling her back.

"I'm not letting you go over there, what happens to you when they find out you have no guardian?" He begged.

"And what about Ashtray? I'll figure it out, I've always been good at lying. Just go home." Isla said pulling her hand away from him.

Isla walked around the cop cars and held her breath as her front door became visible. "Excuse me, ma'am you can not be here." An officer said grabbing her arm.

She ignored the man and continued walking towards her house. Her eyes moving frantically for Ashtray.

"Ma'am do I need to remove you from the premises myself?" Isla turned to the officer who held his arm on his gun.

"Where is my brother?" She asked fear in her eyes.

The officer took a step back his eyes filling with pity. Isla knew that look all to well. She followed the officers eye-line and her heart dropped.

It was like everything in her body had shut off. Her eyes stop blinking, veins stopped pumping, her heart stopped beating. Staring at the white sheet wrapped around his body. Isla reconnected her eyes with Fezco and it all crumpled. She crumpled.

Her knees hit the pavement, the gravel digging into her skin, but nothing could hurt more than her heart. She had never felt more heavy than she did in that moment. Not even when her Dad was sent to prison or when her brother hit her for the first time, not even when her mother died in her arms.

Tears pooled in her eyes and her body shook with such violence it could kill her as she let out the first sob. The first of many. She fell into his unmoving body hoping and praying that his heart would magically restart.

The police swarmed around her, all too afraid to lay a hand on her. All too ashamed. She didn't hear the  heavy footsteps coming closer to her, too busy listening to her own agonizing screams.

With every tear that fell another piece of her heart dissolved into nothing.

"Ma'am.... Ma'am please, you- you need to exit the premises." It was like he knew what he did. Like he was aware of the pain him and his people had caused.

Isla looked up with a heavy glare. A look that could kill.

She sucked up the tears and suddenly she felt nothing, nothing but a void, one that would never be filled.

She had dissolved into nothing.

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