Smiler x reader. :)

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Rewritten version.
The smiler will not vocally communicate in this one.
Level 9 was truly a disaster at the first degree.

With all of the wranglers, hounds and entities roaming around this huge place, you can be pretty much sure that you'll get yourself 6 feet underground.
Fortunately for you, you are quite experimented because of all the past levels you had to go through.

You weren't exactly a huge fan of entities, you may even say you loathed some of them.

What did you expect ?
Almost every single entity you encountered, all either tried to fucking turn you into a cupcake, wanted to eat you or  just wanted your head as a trophy.

Fortunately, you managed to defend yourself against every single one of them, but there's one specie that you have a lot of trouble with, and it's partygoers.

These assholes are extremely tall, they are so intelligent that M.E.G probably shits itself each time they see one.

Like really, these fuckers probably mentally laugh to themselves when they see the fearful looks humans give them.

Back to where you currently  are right now.

''God, this is a nightmare.''
You entered one of the houses, in search of new weapons since the ones you had were either used or broken.

The houses looked quite new and nice for a place like this.
You desperately looked around the different rooms trying to find what you searched.

There wasn't even a single thing in any room.
That's until you entered the last room you haven't explored yet.
You noticed there were quite a lot of furnitures compared to the rest of the house.
You saw a couch from the corner of your eye.

''Sitting down a little won't hurt anyone, plus it has been a good while that I explored this shitty level without any breaks.''

You sat on the couch and closed your eyes while taking some deep breaths to calm yourself down.
Everything was kind of peaceful for a good 10 minutes until you heard something fall on the other side of the room.

Your eyes shot open and you fixated the shadows, feeling your heart starting to beat very fast.
You could feel something starring at you.

It started revealing itself.
You saw the familiar yellow like skin and you immediately knew what it was. NO NO! NOT THIS, PLEASE NOT THIS... I DON'T HAVE ANY WEAPONS.-

You quickly got up and scrambled to the door opening it and getting the fuck out of there.
You went for the door to exit the house only to realize it is locked.
That son of a bitch even locked the door so I couldn't escape...

You pressed your back against the door, seeing the partygoer exiting the room and approaching you down the hallway.

You had nowhere to go and you started seriously panicking.
Then you noticed something moving in the shadows at the end of the hallway.
It then revealed a toothy grin, and right after it's eyes.

great now there is a smiler, just my luck.

It looked at you for a second and then flicked it's gaze at the partygoer and you could notice the corners of it's mouth slightly going downwards.
It started approaching both of you, you noticed it when the partygoer didn't.

And when the partygoer tried reaching for you, the smiler suddenly sprinted and launched at the partygoer.

The smiler opened it's mouth and bit the partygoer with a huge amount of force till it drew blood from the entity that was about to kill you.
The partygoer screeched and tried getting the smiler off of him, you found the scene quite amusing, but also felt weirdly concerned for the smiler that looked like it enjoyed seeing the partygoer in pain.

When the partygoer managed to get the smiler off of itself, it scrambled off, which was very surprising.

You approached the smiler, which was recovering from what just happened, you felt very weird for having empathy towards an entity.

''Hey there... uh, are you okay ?''

It looked at you, seemingly surprised you were concerned.
It hesitated a little bit before moving it's face in a way to say yes.

''Wait, can you talk ?''

It motioned no with it's face.

You hesitated a little bit before saying :

''Hmm... do you maybe... want to accompany me ?''

It excitingly moved it's face very fast to say yes.

''Alright then ! Follow me !''

You then remembered the door was locked and you didn't have the key.

The smiler seemed to notice that and motioned for you to move on the side.
You obeyed and it backed away from the door.

Only to charge towards it and break it.

You were very surprised but quite happy you could get out of there.
You joined the smiler outside of the house and helped it recover from the impact.

You smiled and patted it on the head.
You started walking away to keep moving further and you called it to follow you.
What you did not realize...

Is that the smiler starred at you lovingly...

With a hint of blush on it's face.

Yeah I'm so sorry I haven't been active due to vacation but I'm sort of back now.
It's also more short than usual and I apologize for it.

~Backrooms entities x reader~ [ON UNDEFINED HIATUS].Where stories live. Discover now