The rain pours

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2 hours have passed

The sea was silent as Odin keeps hearing the screams of her fallen comrades. She tries to push all of the memories back but they just keep coming back.

She heads back inside the bridge and takes a seat near the map.
She then takes a deep breath and closes her eyes as she goes deep into thought,unknowing to her,there was a threat looming very close

A few dozen kilometers away from Odin

"they're close,I say we should attack now" Neptune said in an impatient tone

"Patience is a virtue,Miss Neptune,just a little longer and they will be entering the fog." Belfast replies

"I assume we switch to rely on Radar?" Sheffield asked

"That is correct,keep your sonars active as well,just in case"

They nod and continue to wait

An hour passes
Odin and Y/N then enter the fog
The weather took a turn for the worse as large Thunderclouds were seen to form overhead and soon the roar of Thunder was heard

"Thunder....this feels like a bad omen...."
Odin said under her breath as the rain began to pour

"Odin,you should come inside. Wouldn't want you getting sick now" Y/N said from inside the bridge

"I thank you for the concern Y/N,but rain isn't enough to bring me down"

Y/N sighs before heading out and dragging her inside

"Hey! Let go!" Odin tried to get away from Y/N while limiting herself as she knows that she might hurt him if she used her strength

"As I said,we wouldn't want you getting sick now"

Odin sighs "Y/N,We Kansens are similar to humans but we are much more resilient than you"

"Don't rely too much on that you can still catch a cold, I've heard some kansens can get sick,and I would like you to not catch one while we're sailing... Especially in these waters"

Odin pouts and sighs in defeat

Soon the waters get stirred by the strong winds of the storm that rock the ship as it sails through.

Kilometers away

"This is mostly unexpected,this storm has blown our cover away and is hindering our radar" Belfast says

Neptune thinks for a sec "This feels familiar....."

"Is Something the matter,Miss Neptune?"
Sheffield said beside Neptune

Neptune shakes her head "It's nothing....I just have this feeling of Deja Vu"

Neptune experiences flashes of memories she has long pushed back.
Flashes of a battle appear in her head and a scene of Blazing fires,burning across the water as she was face to face with a figure clad in black robe and holding a Sword that seemed to radiate electricity.

Neptune falls backwards and yelps

"Miss Neptune!" Sheffield rushes to Neptune's side "Bel, something's wrong with Miss Neptune. We should prepare to retreat now"

Neptune stands up,albeit with a bit of trouble "I am fine.... Let's carry on"

Belfast looks with worry in her eyes

Dozens of Kilometers away

Odin stares out of the bridge

Y/N watches her and sighs "Are you really not gonna take a seat or something?"

"I don't need to,why do you insist I take a rest? I've been asleep inside Ice for Ymir knows how long"

"Ymir?" Y/N tilts his head in confusion

"You don't know,Ymir the creator?"

"No,I am not really that big on mythology"

Odin sighs and shakes her head "Nevermind,just hearing Ymir heing called the creator should give you an idea"

"I guess..."

Another 2 hours pass

The rain lightens up a bit,but it's still a bit dark.

Belfast stands watch ahead and catches a glimpse of a ship

"Ship spotted,Confirmed flying the flag of Ironblood"

Neptune then stands up and aims the guns of her ship "Let's settle this quickly"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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