What They Do When You're Sick

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Emily Prentiss: I was sitting on Emily's couch waiting for her to get home from work. I was watching a tv show when I felt the sudden need to throw up. I quickly stood up and rushed to the bathroom. I leaned over the toilet and emptied the contents of my stomach into it. When I was done throwing up I leaned against the wall opposite the toilet suddenly feeling really hot. I quiclky took of the sweatshirts I was wearing leaving me in a sports bra and a pair of shorts. I heard the front door open and Emily call out "Princess I'm home where are you?" I called back "I'm in the bathroom. I'll be out in a minute." As soon as I said that I started coughing a lot. When I was done coughing I slowly stood up and flushed the toilet than walked over to the sink and washed my hands and used the toothbrush I keep at Em's apartment to brush my teeth. I walked out of the bathroom and went to find Emily. She was in the kitchen looking through the fridge. I walked over and wrapped my arms around her waist. She turned around and said "Hey princess." I smiled slightly and said "Hey love." She went to kiss me, but I stopped her and said "Em no I just threw up recently and I think I'm sick and I don't want to get you sick." She looked at me and kissed me anyways and said "If I get sick I don't have to go to work so we have more time together." I laughed and said "Okay Em." She smiled and said "Good. Now do you want anything to eat because I can order somethin or I could cook." I smiled and said "Can you make grilled cheese." She nodded and said "Okay princess. Go sit in the living room I'll bring it out to you when I'm done." I nodded and walked to the living room.

JJ: I was sitting in the conference room that the team had set up in at the police station we were at for our case. I felt awful because I had at some point in the 2 days that we have been here gotten sick, but I still wanted to help the team so they weren't one person short. I covered my mouth when I started coughing while I was reading a file. The rest of the of the team was out at crime scene for a new body that was found this morning, but I didn't go with them just because I thought it would be better if I wasn't around the smell of dead bodies while I was sick. When I stopped coughing I took a cough drop out of my pocket and unwrapped it putting it in my mouth. I balled the wrapper up and threw it towards the trash can in the corner of the room. I cheered when it went in and said "Score." I turned around when I heard a laugh and smiled when I saw JJ. I said "Hey Jajye when did you get back?" She smiled and said "We just got back." She walked over to me and handed me a water bottle and said "You should drink this it will hep you start to feel better and the faster you get better the faster we can finally kiss for the first time in 2 days." I smiled and stood up and said "You miss my kisses?" She nodded and said "So much." I smiled and kissed her cheek and said "There I kissed you." She pouted and said "That's not the same and you know it." I put my hands on her hips and kissed a few spots on her neck. She pushed me away and said "Stop that I just want you to kiss me more now." I smiled and said "So sorry." She smiled and hugged me.

Penelope Garcia: I was staying at Penelope's apartment for a while just until her and Em could find my stalker ex. I had randomly gotten sick while I was staying with her and she has been going a little overboard trying to take care of me. Right now she was at the store for about the 10th time in the 2 days I have been sick. I don't exactly know what she went to the store for this time. I was laying on her bed watching a movie on my laptop. I heard the apartment door open and someone walking towards the bedroom. I paused the movie when she walked in to the room and she said "I got more tissues." I smiled and patted the space on the bed in front me and said "Sit." She down and I said "Pen I know you are trying to take care of me, but the constant runs to the store aren't really helping and we don't need anymore tissues we have a lot." She smiled sheepishly and said "I'm sorry I just want you to be okay." I put my hand on her cheek and said "I will be okay. Want to cuddle with me and finish my movie?" She nodded and moved to the side so she was laying next to me.

Kate Callahan: I was standing in my kitchen making chicken noddle soup. I was holding Hope and Lexi was in the living room with Meg. Kate was on a case and I was watching Meg for her and over the few days that she has been gone we had all gotten sick. Hope started whining a little and I looked at her and said "It's okay sweety I know you aren't feeling well, but I will get you some medicine in a minute I just have to finish the soup for the big girls." I know she can't really understand or respond, but I don't want to just ignore her. I finshed the soup and dished some into bowls. I placed a spoon in each bowl than picked the bowls up and brought them to the living room. I walked to the bathroom and got out a bottle of children's tylenol. I walked back to kitchen and got a bottle of the cabinet and a thing out juice out of the fridge. I poured the right amount of medicine for a 1 year old into the bottle than poured juice on top filling the rest of the bottle. I put the lid on the bottle and covered the hole in the nipple shaking the bottle to combine the juice and medicine. I put the juice back in the fridge than adjusted Hope so she was laying in my arms and not on my hip. I placed the nipple of the bottle in her mouth and slowly walked out to the living room sitting on the couch. I sat on the couch with Hope until she fell asleep. When she fell asleep I stood up and took her to her room placing her in her crib. I walked out of the room and to my room to change my clothes because the clothes I was wearing now were making me really hot. I changed into a tank top and a pair of shorts than walked out to the living room laying on the couch. I closed my eyes for a second and must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know I hear Kate calling my name from the front door. I slowly get up and walk over to the door. When I see her I say "Stop yelling please all the girls are asleep and they haven't been sleeping much the past few days." She nods and says "Are you guys okay? I know you texted me about you all being sick." I shrugged and said "Well it's not easy taking care of three sick children especially when one is 1. I've gotten about 2 hours of sleep over the past 4 days. I've had to clean vomit off of myself and the ground 3 times just this morning and I feel like shit." She smiled and said "Go get some sleep love I'll love over the girls for now." I nodded and said "Okay. Thank you." I walked to my room and laid in my bed falling asleep.

Alex Blake: I was laying on my couch under a blanket watching a movie. I paused the movie when I heard my daughter calling me from her room. She was home from school because she had gotten sick from a friend and she had gotten me sick. I walked into her room and said "Hey you okay?" She nodded and said "Yeah I just threw up again and my throat really hurts because of how much I've been coughing so I was just wondering if you have any cough medicine." I nodded and said "Yeah I'll go get you some." I walked out of her room and started to walk to my room to get some when I heard a knock on the door. I walked over to the door and opened it and saw Alex. I smiled and said "Hey Alex. What are you doing here I thought I texted you saying that me and Chloe are sick." She smiled and said "You did, but I know you Y/N and I know you would wear yourself out to take care of Chloe and if you do that you won't get better if you do that so I came to take care of you and Chloe." I smiled and said "That's nice, but you didn't have to." She said "I wanted to." I giggled a little and let her in. I went and got the medicine from my room and took it to Chloe. After I took it to Chloe I walked out to the living room and sat next to Alex who was sitting on the couch. I yawned and Alex said "You should sleep love I will take care of anything Chloe needs." I nodded and laid down on the couch closing my eyes.

Elle Greenaway: I was sitting at my desk filling out some paperwork. My head hurt and my nose was all stuffy and I knew I was sick, but I had so much paperwork I needed to finish so I was trying to hide it from the rest of the team. I cleared my throat and that sent me into a coughing fit. Spencer looked at me and said "Are you okay?" I nodded and looked away from him and pulling a cough drop out of the top drawer of my desk. I placed it in my mouth and threw the wrapper in the trash can next to my desk than turned to do continue my work. I jumped slightly when I saw Elle leaning against my desk and I said "Jesus you scared me love." She put her hand on my forehead and said "You're sick." I shook my head and said "No I'm not." She raised one of her eyebrows and said "That's a lie you should go home." I shook my head and said "No I have to much work to do." She grabbed all the files I had on my desk and said "I will take care of your work. You go home I will come over after work to check on you." I nodded and said "Okay, but what should I tell Hotch?" She smiled and said "I will worry about that if her asks you just go." I nodded and stood up and gathered my stuff and walked out of the bullpen.

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