Introduction: If You Don't Explore You'll Never Discover

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"I hate you!" I yelled.

"Jamie, please." My Mom argued with me.

"I wish you were dead!!" I yelled.

My Mom's eyes began to fill with tears and I could almost hear her heart break in two she gave me a small smile and then walked away but before her and Dad left she turned around and said.

"I love you."

*Beep, beep, beep!!*

I woke up and looked over to my alarm clock it was 8:15 I slowly pulled myself out of bed and looked in the mirror my light blonde hair was sticking out in every direction and my pale blue eyes had dark bags underneath them.

I grabbed some clothes from my dresser and I headed towards the bathroom that was attached to my room I locked both doors and stripped down I noticed the cuts from last week were finally healing.

I grabbed a towel from the closet in the bathroom and set it by my clothes on the sink I turned on the shower and stepped in I shivered as the warm droplets of water made contact with my pale skin.

I finished getting washed up and the hopped out a dried myself off I quickly changed into my clothes and ran downstairs.

"Hey Jamie!" My Dad chriped.

I stared at him and gave him a small smile his smile instantly faded as I didn't reply my Dad has been trying to get me to talk for the past four and a half years but it's like my voice shut down like I forgot everything about speaking.

I quickly grabbed an apple and shoved it in my backpack I waved goodbye and I was out the door.

I smiled as I walked outside to my bus stop usually I walk to school because I love the nature and the beauty around me but I go off on little hikes and then end up getting to school about thirty minutes late so my Dad told me to start taking the bus.

I was almost at my bus stop when I seen a guy who was probably about four years older then me walk in front of me he had dark black hair, bright green eyes and he had a lip piercing I noticed who he was when I saw his little sister she was my age, fourteen, her name was Annabeth, she had long blonde locks that were curled today and light blue eyes.

I knew her because once we were partnered up together for a project and plus her and her brother are one of the most popular kids at school.

"Adam can we walk today, I hate sitting on the bus with all those boys." She said.

I began to ease drop on their conversation, not like they weren't talking loud enough.

"Annabeth just deal with it or sit near the front." Her older brother said bluntly.

"But all my friends sit near the back." She whined.

"Well I don't know drag them with you." He suggested.

"They won't want to that's were all the cool kids sit." She said as we got to our bus stop and waited patiently for our bus.

"Well then sucks for you." He stuck his tongue out.

She playfully stuck her back out and they laughed they noticed I was watching them and stared at me intensely.

"Can we help you?" The boy asked rather rudely.

"Adam don't be so rude, what he meant was is there anything you want or need?" She asked as nicely as possible.

I shook my head and looked at the ground.

"Hey I know you, you're the Mute." He said.

My head snapped up and I glared at him I hated that nickname kids called me that to bother me and to try and hurt me.

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