Will Wei Wuxian's save him ? part 11

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They all were shocked that lan wangji was pregnant n who the young girl was n why she was there.

"No, u won't, not on my watch u can hurt my brother or my brother-in-law," the young girl said.

"A-Xiang u are here," wei wuxian said in the hope that now everyone will be safe n sound.

"Yes, I'm here I didn't expect u to be in this situation " the young girl in sign.

"A-Xiang..." lan wangji said as he looked at the figure in Infront of him.

"Wangji... how come I didn't know about our pregnancy even when I came to u every day to give u different type of food as u wanted to eat smth different.... wait so all this time u was pregnant? "said the young girl like a little girl.

"Then Ge, I'm going to be an aunt," the young girl said in happiness.

"And may I ask who u are and what are u doing in the middle of my business, " wen Ruohan said.

"Oh yh I forgot to tell you who I am, so my true identity is that I'm wie wu xian's twin sister gu Xiang said Interdicting herself.

"What," Fengmian said as he never knew abt his sibling.

"Did I hear this wrong? " Yu Ziyuan said

"What, how come u are his twin sister I never knew that," Jiang Cheng said at the loss of words as they both did look alike.

"What, when did this happen, " jiang Yanli said as she watched everything in silence.

Then Gu Xiang used her weapon and hit Wen Ruohan hard for hurting her close family.

Gu Xiang takes the appearance of a young lady. Gu Xiang wears purple robes most of the time, changing them to pink sometimes, she constantly wears earrings alongside many accessories in her hair and robes. Gu Xiang always carries her whip by her waist. Gu Xiang has bright eyes and a delicate voice as described in real life. Her hands are soft, and around her sleeves is a refreshing fragrant that could only belong to a young maiden.

She used her whip just like the whip that Yu Ziyuan had with her.

"How dare u," wen Ruohan said as he dodged the attack that Gu Xiang used on him.

"Oh, my u look so beautiful, u know what? il take u n lan wangji with me, two beauties are fine with me "Wen Ruohan said with an evil gimme on his face.

"U are powerful," jiang cheng said.

"Yes, u are, can't believe that u are the twin sister of wei wuxian" jiang Fengmian said.

"Why can't u believe it, just believe it or not" Gu Xiang said as she hates the whole family.

"A-Xiang don't be rude " wei wuxian said.

"Okay fine " Gu Xiang said but on the hate side.

"Why did u come now, why did u let ur brother stay here, he is such a nuisance " Yu Ziyuan said in still hate.

"Don't call my A-Xian nuisance u ugly n stupid woman " Gu Xiang said with great hatred.

"A-Xiang has some respect, " wei wuxian said.

"Yes A-Xiang have some respect it's not good " lan wangji said.

"What u guys are saying is that I should respect this shity woman do u think il ever respect her after she punished my brother n called him a servant n stuff,"  Gu Xiang said in irritation.

All of them were silent at the explanation that was given .as wen Ruohan was having fun n watch them in silence. Then he spoke again...

"Oh, wait u guys don't have parents as they are dead so after I kill u all there won't be a problem" wen Ruohan said.

"U idiot, u think our parents are dead no they are not, they are not "Gu Xiang while shouting so that he can hear her aloud.

"What? Your parents are not dead?"  lan wangji said in shock.

"I know that Wei Changze n Cangse Sanren is dead I've seen their dead bodies with my own eyes " jiang Fengmian said in disbelief that both of them are not dead.

"How," jiang cheng said because he has never ended questions from others.

"If our parents were alive, why did wei wuxian stay with us," jiang Yanli said.

"What? So u are telling me that Wei Changze n Cangse Sanren is alive?"  Yu Ziyuan said.

"Wait u little brat who are u calling idiot," wen Ruohan said.

"I can kill u in a sec," wen Ruohan said.

"Who cares instead il kill u " Gu Xiang said while annoying wen Ruohan more.

"You guys don't even know why ur parents left u probably cuz they didn't want u guys to live,"  wen Ruohan said as he laughed off his ass n the others looked at him in disgust.

"No that's not true I know my parents very well they won't do like that n don't fool us with ur silly tricks u rat " gu Xiang said.

"Yes, I believe what my sister said, " wei wuxian said laughing at Wen Ruohan cause his sister called Wen Ruohan a 'rat'.

Then when Ruohan suddenly attacked Gu Xiang but instead got someone else hurt...

Any guess on what will happen next?

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