Chapter Three

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WARNING: Torture scene between ** but I'll put a brief sentence at end of the chapter in case people want to skip.

Sharp stones scratch and slice the soles of my feet as I shuffle across the floor closer to the gently swaying body hanging from the ceiling. My teeth chatter as the chill air creeps through my body, sinking into my bones. The dangling chains gently clink together in a familiar and repetitive motion, I focus on that sound and that sound alone. It's the only thing in this room of nightmares that could keep me sane.

"Who's there?" I jolt violently at the raspy voice followed by a weak, dry cough like his throat is filled with ashes. The chains rattle and it's not so comforting anymore, not that it was much in the first place.

I don't want to be here.

"I said who's there!" This time is voice is more forceful yet the unmistakable terror lying beneath each word is the same fear that keeps me silent. Keeps from trying to help this man. He's practically dead anyway.

No, I shouldn't think like that. Those are bad thoughts, good boys only think sweet thoughts.

Trembling, I drop to the stone floor, wincing as a pointy rock digs into my skin but I don't move away. I deserve the pain for being bad. For disappointing Ryker and upsetting Kenneth. For making them mad at me. I'm here to relieve their stress, not cause more.

I'm a very bad boy.

My teeth sink into my chapped bottom lip as it wobbles from the thought. Tears burn behind my eyes, threatening to leak down my already puffy and blotchy face. Digging my nails into my skin in an attempt to stop the tight, claustrophobic feeling rising in my chest.

"Fucking answer me, you coward!" The dark figure sways as I flinch, my breath catching in my throat.

I'm sorry.

I cry out the words in my head, hoping he can somehow hear. Wishing he wouldn't shout. I don't like people shouting at me, it's so scary. 

I'm scared.

"What the fu-!"

"Shut up!" Paxton's voice reverberates around the stone walls as the door slams shut behind him. A dim light flickers on and I listen to the creaks and whines of the wooden stairs with each step down. My eyes fix on my scratched knees, terrified of what I'll see if I look up. "I much preferred it when you were screaming and begging for your life. Writhing from a simple blade."

Paxton clicks his tongue, coming to a stop behind my kneeled form. His slim, scarred fingers slip through my loose strands of hair and yank my head up. I bite back a cry of pain as I'm forced to take in the horrid sight in front of me.


The man's arms are pulled taut above his head, several thin, red cuts line the skin. Gulping, my eyes follow the dried out crust of blood down to his neck and shoulders covered by a black top. One shoulder is bent in a way that shouldn't be possible and I'm sure if his arm wasn't tied up it would be limp and useless by his side.

Dark red coats his neck and I follow the trail up his stubbled chin then his pale cheek. I gag and choke as I see the gaping hole that should be his eye, scratches around the edges like someone carved it out with a blunt knife. His other eye is bloodshot and wildly searching the room for something. Or perhaps he just wants to look away from the monster standing in front of him.

Unable to stop myself, I look further down the body. His shirt is ripped and sticks to his torso, the grey shorts darkening from the amount of blood soaking into the material. 

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