Chapter 1 - Jabberwock Island

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So like Yandere Nagito ✨✨✨ This is my first story btw 🤪🤪🤪
Y/N - Your Name ( You probably know by now but oh well )
H/C - Hair Color
F/S - Favorite Song
Y/U - Your Ultimate
Thanks For Reading :) Enjoy!

Hope's Peak High..Your dream has finally come true. Ever since you were a child you have always dreamt of walking through the gates of Hope's Peak and it was finally happening. You got accepted as the Ultimate Y/U. You have enjoying doing said talent ever since you were a child. Once you finally stepped foot on the school grounds you felt determined. That determination slowly turned into dizziness and everything faded to black


You woke up to the sound of ocean waves crashing against the shore. "Huh? Where am I??" You said, wondering where you were and how you got there. "We're at Jabberwock island!" A white bunny with a weird stick exclaimed. "AHH! What in the world is that!?" You screamed " That's 'our teacher', I don't know what it is but it's kinda freaky.." A boy with brown pointy hair said. "What in the world is happening.. I was just going to school and now I'm at a beach." You say, wondering if this was all a prank. "I know, it's strange.." The boy says.
"Soo, what's your name. I'm Y/N, the Ultimate U/T" You say, smiling at the brown haired male. "I'm Hajime Hinata, I don't remember my Ultimate Talent but I hope we can get along well." Hajime smiling back at you.

Suddenly you hearing a ding from your pocket. You reach into your back pocket and pull out ( sorry I couldn't find better wording :/ ) a strange looking device. "Ah! That's your Monopad!" The white bunny says "You can keep track of the hope fragments you collect there :)!" You look at the screen and see a diamond next to a pixelated Hajime.


"I think that I met everyone." You say looking down at your Monopad. "Huh, there's one more person I have to meet." They have white and pinkish hair as you can see from the pixelated picture of them. "I wonder where they are.."

As you search around the island you see some of your newly made friends. You have become really fond of two of them, Gundham, Hajime, and Ibuki. You finally catch sight of the white haired person and walk up to them. "Uhm..Hi, I'm Y/N. I'm the Ultimate U/T." You say this and look towards him. His face has a slightly pink tint, and he seems zoned out. "H-Hey are you okay??" You say, worried for the white haired male. "U-Uh, Yeah. I'm Nagito Komaeda, The Ultimate Lucky Student. You're-" He was cut off by a ding from your Monopad, you look at it and saw the same diamond next to everyone else's pixelated photo. You then heard the sound of a monitor turning on. You look at it and saw Monomi. She told everyone to meet at the beach to receive our 'big surprise' for getting all of the hope fragments.

You arrive at the beach and stand next to Hajime. "Hey Hajime!" "Oh, hey Y/N" He replied to your hello with a smile. You returned the smile. You glanced at Nagito and saw him glaring at Hajime. "What is that about.." You think. Monomi then appears holding too many bags to count. "What are those??" Kazuichi states with a confused, kinda scared look. "These bags contain swimsuits, since you all collected all the hope fragments I decided to award you all with a nice swim!" Monomi says excitedly. Some students seem excited while others are wondering why they even came to the beach. You decided you didn't want to swim because you aren't very confident with how you look in a bathing suit. You see some people walking towards the cabins with a bag.

Some time later

The people who went to change come back in there swimsuits. You stare at the group of people that decided not to swim. You weren't surprised, most of these people were not someone you'd see doing something You do wonder why Hajime didn't go swim though but were too scared to ask thinking he would get mad.

A little bit after all that happened the sky starts to fade to a dark grey. "Oh, looks like it's going to rain." Hajime says looking up. You hear Ibuki sigh "Man, I was just having fun in the sun too. Hey! That would be a good song title! 'Having fun in the sun but the clouds come out'!" Ibuki says, proud of what she did. You then hear the same monitor that Monomi showed up on start turning on. You look at it and see the silhouette of a bear. "Everyone head to Jabberwock park immediately!" The bear, or is it really a bear, say. You don't have a very good feeling about this but you decide to head over to Jabberwock park anyways.

AN: I don't know if many people read these ( I know I usually don't, sorry to all you authors ) but oh well! Thanks SO much for reading, I didn't know writing fanfic was so time consuming but oh well. I hope you enjoy the next chapter when I do end up writing it

Word count: 899 words

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