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You was looking for Aikon as you heard crying than you walked to you and Aikon's room that the two of you shared after you got there Aikon was on the floor crying while you looked at her than at the burned marks and other scars that she had all other her body than Akoni walked and goes over to Aikon and sits next to Aikon and brings her into a hug as she starts singing the song that would comfort her than Aikon looked up at her with tears in her eyes as her mother picked her up and smiles while singing still as she spins her in the air as Aikon smiled a bit which you chuckled at them than she puts her daughter down and dance with her after she was done singing and dancing Akoni looked her in the eyes and smiles more

Akoni:Just remember that everyone is beautiful with and without scars that means everyone is brave and don't fear nothing it shows that your brave and out going don't that bring you down

She said and kissed her forehead and cheek than shower with kisses which made Aikon giggled

Aikon:mom stop that tickled!

Y/n: having fun?

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