𝟸. sᴏʀʀʏ, sᴛʀᴀɴɢᴇ ǫᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴ

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It was a normal day in Jordyn's, oh-so-normal life. She sat on a bench in the hallway next to the stairs, laptop on her lap. Weirdly enough, Leo and Adam had just walked past her and despite the look she received, the latter didn't acknowledge her in any way. She furrowed her brows but chose to focus back on her screen. 

He was probably not paying attention to his surroundings. A genuine mistake, Joe wrote if off. Writing another line of code, her concentration was once more broken. This time by a kid yelling.

"Shut it, squat-mug!"

Jordyn looked up to find two confused teens facing a short girl who was wearing a bright pink cardigan and a matching headband in her dark hair. With the glasses and her apparent attitude, she reminded Jordyn of Principal Perry.

She observed the situation in front of her with raised brows, watching Mini-Perry knock the books out of the other girl's hands. Upon closer inspection, Jordyn recognized the two teens as Adam's siblings. 

Before she could dwell on the now-passed scene, her phone rang. Joe shut her laptop while noted the caller ID. It was Adam.

Smiling, she quickly picked up, "Hey. What's up, Add?"

"Heyo, just making a Nacho volcano. Wanna see?"

"Nacho volcano?" Joe paused, sighing. He had just passed her and so, it could only mean he was wreaking havoc in the school. "Don't tell me you're in the cafeteria. The lunch ladies won't let you off as easily again."

"Buckingham Palace will live on in our hearts forever," he announced ceremoniously and stayed silent for a while. Joe snorted at the thought of him, hand on his chest, looking off into space. "Anyway, don't worry. I'm currently at home and watching over the people of Jalapeña."

"At home?" Her smile fell. He wasn't at home.  She stuffed her laptop into her backpack, stood up and shouldered it. "I'll call you back."

Adam looked down at his phone, frowning at her frenzied leave. Was it something he said? The volcano on the counter bubbled and elicited a sound resembling a fart, pulling his attention and making him laugh. He was so proud of his build, he needed to share it with his friend. Sending a selfie to her, he chuckled and sighed. How beautiful life could be with a duplicate attending school instead.

Speaking of. He had to call Leo and check up on his handsome twin.

Meanwhile, Jordyn was on the way to the cafeteria. Once arrived, she scanned the tables for Adam and found him sitting next to Leo, a tower of sausages in front of him. Joe took a look at her phone, making sure that she didn't just imagine the call. What is happening? He must have lied about being home, she thought.

Code Combination - C. DavenportWhere stories live. Discover now