Work, Work, Work, Never Thought I'd Be Excited Over It

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(A/N: You guessed it, Renesmee/Renee gets a job, eventually.

(This is what I meant by foreshadowing in the chapter with coffee btw.)

Onward, go forth and read!

Did I mention that I'm referring to Renesmee as Renesmee/Renee, so we don't confuse her with Bella's mum/mom?)


September 29th

Since yesterday and for some of today I've been looking around cafe's and retail stores for a job. Haven't had any luck because no one is hiring. Ugh.

I'm not giving up just yet. I think I'll go get my sleeping bag and move to somewhere else...


Fuck! Fuckety fuckety fuuuuuuck. My sleeping bags been stolen! Arghhhhhhh.

Where am I supposed to sleep now???

Dammit. I've gotta find a job so I'm not sleeping out on the streets.


Been all over town, and found nothing. 

I need a coffee.


Currently in Starbucks, taking in the warm. I seriously hope no one notices that my skin glows. 

Hey, maybe I could ask if they need an extra staff member over the counter.....

Okay, here goes.....


I've got a job, yesssss! I start tommorow. 

Hopefully my future wages'll be enough for a room in a cheap hotel.

Until then, I'm staying in a close-by alleyway. 



(A/N: Donney done done! Next chapter full speed ahead.

I know, it's been FOREVER since my last update, don't worry, I'll try to make sure the next chapter gets here soon.

See you all there. :) )

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