Chapter Nine: Strong Flame

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The journey to Andros was a very fast one, as we arrived no less than an hour later thanks to a small dimensional passageway created by Tecna and Timmy. Oh the Techno lovebirds. 

The portal, despite making all our stomachs twist and turn in indescribable ways, was absolutely amazing. We arrived in the throne room of the palace, where Aisha's mother and father sat, startled by our sudden arrival.
Yet they were more than happy to see their daughter again

"My sweet princess" Her father greeted, pulling her into a warm hug, to which Aisha smiled, tears of happiness began to flow down her cheeks.

"I couldn't wait to see you two again! I was so worried" She cried, giving her mother a hug

"My friends wanted to come with me, they wanted to help save Andros" Aisha exclaimed, turning to us all with a determined glance

As Aisha reunited with her parents, I took the time to look around the throne room. Just from where we stood the place was in utter havoc. There were muddy puddles everywhere, decay and some walls were blown in. The guards looked shaken up, but were trying to keep a strong face

This must have been done by that evil man.

We bowed and paid our respects, yet they declined our help.
Aisha appeared to be frustrated and was about to say something, yet her father spoke first, holding up his finger to silence us all.

"Thank you but really you shouldn't have come, it's no longer safe here" He wrapped his arm round his wife's waist protectively, before she also stated "Baltor is a vicious enemy and soon he'll put the whole magic dimension in danger"

Why does that name sound so oddly familiar...? Like I've heard it somewhere before. An unexplainably tug on my heart made me shudder.

"But we can stop him mom and dad!" Aisha groaned, turning to us girls. "We are the winx, as long as we're together we can do anything!"

"I admire your optimism and I hope it's true Aisha" Her dad sighed, a proud but tired smile lit up his face, "Yet I cannot risk your safety. You are my darling daughter." He sighed, sadly.

"Dad, I'm the princess of Andros. I should be given a chance to protect my home!"

The Queen glided over to the rest of us and cleared her throat.

"the spotter planes have been keeping watch on the Omega portal for days that's where Baltor's hideout is located" Her eyes held fear yet confidence as she looked at us all.
"If you wish to go forward with your mission, you must be very careful" She added, turning back, and walking to Aisha, placing a hand upon her shoulder.

Aisha looked up and gave her mother a warm smile, full of thankfulness and love. oh, how I wish I knew where my parents were. A sudden feeling of sadness washed over me.

Interrupting my thoughts, Aisha's dad walked towards the entrance of the room. "His energy is dark and powerful, and he has dangerous allies. He's ruthless. Please girls, take the utmost care" He expressed, and gave Aisha another hug.

He turned to us all, before nodding his head and opening the large golden doors.

"We will be careful your majesty"

"Don't let me down girls. I'm giving you this chance for I know you defeated Darkar"


As we descended the old steps that were now mere ruins of the palace, I nearly slipped. Aisha looked so upset and angry. How could one man do this!?

Seaweed, salt water and magix knows what littered the steps. This was not safe!

Noticing our discomfort, Aisha sadly whispered, "I remember when these waters were as blue as the sky. I cannot believe what has become of my ocean"

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