The Sky Rulings - Jotunhel x Gramoss

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A gramoss was sitting with huge wing extensions, waiting for Ajri to give him his next instructions. "To fly, you need to follow the sky rules!" Ajri chirped, as her white and black figure soared up to a peak. 

"First, flap them!" Ajri said, before giving him a demonstration. He started shaking his body to 'flap' his wings. "And then, leap into the air!" Ajri said, as she became aloft. 

Toka tried, he really did, but he fell to the ground, barely jumping an inch. "Don't worry Toka, you'll get it! It took me months to fly, but I flew super well after I practiced! I never gave up." Once again, a few Grami from beside him snapped "Gramoss are meant for the earth, Toka." She noticed his crestfallen face, and said "Hey! When we're older, we'll soar the skies of Sonaria without a worry on our minds, OK?" he still looked down until she added "I'll give you a flight!." before latching onto him and soaring through the air. 

"I thought jots couldn't carry grams?" he said, before she scoffed "That's game logic! But here, we have ECLIPSEOUS logic!" (totally not placing an Easter Egg down) 

The breeze hit my face as my eyes seemed to sparkle. "This is amazing, Ajri!" seeing all the land and water below. "See? Not a care to the world when you're above all the threats." she laughed. They kept soaring for a while, until Ajri said "I'm a little tired. Can we stop?" Toka shook his head though "A little longer, please?"

~Ajri's PoV~

It wasn't a little longer. Minutes turned into hours, hours into days. "I'm .. so .. tired." Ajri panted, before once again asking "Can we stop .." "No way!" Toka laughed, sighing as Ajri beat her wings rapidly. "Faster!" he laughed, but Ajri only lagged in usual speed. "We .. need to stop." she muttered "Ajri! You can do better than that!" he laughed again

My muscles ached. I felt tired of flying, for the first time in my life. The breeze felt sickening. My wings felt like metal weights. My eyelids drooped like it was midnight. So I refused to listen anymore and landed. If you'd consider landing as falling into the ocean.

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