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(This story contains omorashi, which is pee!! Don't like, don't read!)

The road trip was Denki's idea.  He thought it'd be a fun way for the squad to unwind during their spring break. Overall the plan was pretty well received. Sero offered to drive, and Kirishima was more than down to spend the week fucking around with his friends and boyfriend.  Bakugou didn't give much of a reaction, but his huff of general agreement was enough to confirm his participation in the trip.

      Bakugou fought tooth and nail to sit shot gun, but was eventually beaten out by Denki.  It was his idea after all, and if he was up front he could handle the music and directions.  Bakugou grumpily resigned himself to the backseat next to Kirishima, who was pulling out a couple water bottles and settling them into their cup holders. 

      About an hour and a Taylor Swift album later, the car had fallen into a comfortable calm. Sero tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, humming along to Denki's playlist. Denki had his face half out the window, eyes squinted shut behind a pair of sunglasses.  Kirishima took one last swing of his water, tossing the empty bottle to the floor.  Bakugou was tapping his feet to the rhythm of whatever garbage was playing through the speakers, ignoring Kiri's teasing comments about his soft side for bubblegum pop. 

      He eventually threw his legs over his boyfriend's lap, leaning his head back against the window.  Kirishima smiled at the subtle display of affection; Bakugou wasn't really one for PDA.  He continued scrolling through his phone, resting a hand on Bakugou's leg and rubbing his thumb back and forth across his knee.  He jumped slightly at the contact, Kirishima chuckling softly.  Bakugou hid his half-smile with a chuff and a scowl, turning his face farther towards the window.  Kirishima settled his arm against his side of the car, laying his head down on top of it to watch the scenery fly by.  Eventually, the steady motion of the car and the monotonous pattern of trees and sky was enough to lull him into a light sleep. 

      Denki fiddled with his phone for a minute before announcing to the car that they were making their first stop soon.  "Thank god, if I don't get some shitty gas station food soon I'm gonna shut down" Sero joked, stretching his arm for a moment before putting his hand back on the wheel.  Bakugou pulled his earbuds out of his ears and glanced back at Kirishima, who still had his eyes shut.  "Shitty hair's asleep," he said matter of factly.  Denki twisted back around in his seat, causing Bakugou to hastily sit back up and stomp his feet into the footwell.  For his own sake, Denki pretended not to notice.  "Oh! Should we wake him up? It might be awhile before we stop again..." he said, taking another look at the directions.  Bakugou glanced back at the pile of red hair, face buried in his arms.  He wasn't even stirring.  Bakugou shrugged, twirling one of his earbuds around his finger.  "I'll grab him some shit from inside.  Idiot probably needs the rest," he grumbled, trying not to let his eyes linger too long on how soft Kirishima looked.  Bandana slipping farther onto his forehead, fists bundled in the sleeves of his flannel shirt.  He couldn't keep the little smile off his face, damn that cute-ass idiot. 

      Soon enough they were pulling into the gas station, the three of them piled out of the car.  Sero filled up the tank, Denki and Bakugou heading inside for snacks.  Denki piled half the candy isle onto the counter, Bakugou trailing behind with a couple energy drinks and bags of chips.  "You're gonna destroy your stomach with that shit, pikachu," he remarked, chuckling a bit at how he immediately tore open a bag of gummy worms as soon as he paid.  "Don't care, I've got all of spring break go destroy my digestive system before we start training again.  I'm gonna live it up!" He laughed through a mouthful of candy.   Bakugou went back to the car, tossing the bag of snacks into the back seat before heading back inside to use the bathroom.  After they all went, they settled back in the car and continued on. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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