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May 12, 2016:

I looked down at the three tests in my hands, all with two pink stripes on them. I felt my heart drop to my ass, knowing what that meant and my head started spinning. There was no way I was pregnant right?

Harry and I were careful. We made sure we used protection and I was on birth control. So how could we have been so irresponsible? How could this have happened?

I felt tears spilling down my cheeks, not knowing what to do at the moment. We were at boarding school, away from our parents so that it gave us a chance to "grow up" but all I wanted was to hug my mom right now and have her tell me everything was alright.

If I told her I knew she would be mad for a little bit but in the end she would understand and help me through this. Plus she loved Harry so there was no way she wouldn't grow to love this child I was growing.

I just didn't know what to do about Harry.

We were graduating in three weeks. He was going to college in London at Manchester University and I was staying here in the US, going to college at Brown University. We both had our dream schools, achieving that but this was going to throw everything off.

I took the three pregnancy tests and shoved them at the bottom of the trash can in the bathroom and walked out, wiping away my tears with the ends of Harry's sweatshirt that I had thrown on. I loved wearing his clothes cause they were also so baggy and warm and always smelled like him.

Like tobacco and patchouli.

He was the closest thing I had to home when not literally being home. Harry moved here in the eighth grade but I hadn't known him because I had gone to public school and we lived in two different states.

My parents lived in the suburbs of New York whereas Harry's family lived in Seattle, completely opposite sides of the country.

We met our freshman year at this boarding school and ever since then we had been the closest of friends.

We didn't start dating till middle of our sophomore year but there was also tension between us and everyone knew that. They gave us our space and let us figure things out without pushing us towards each other which I was so thankful for.

I heard two knocks at my door before the door opened, Harry and Niall walking in while talking. Those two were roommates and also inseparable, especially when you brought Zayn into the equation.

The three of them were so fun to be around and they made my four years at this damn boarding school tolerable. I had a few friends but most of the time I spent around the three of them cause they made me comfortable.

"What's wrong Sawyer?" Harry asked, walking over to me on my bed. I was sitting with my knees pulled to my chest and rocking back and forth when Harry placed his hand on my knee to get me to stop shaking.

"I'm gonna give you guys some space, text me if you need anything," Niall said, sending me a smile while he walked out of the room, closing the door shut. I loved Niall because he always knew when to brighten up my day but also when there was time for that and when there wasn't.

This was one of those times where it wasn't.

"Baby what's wrong?" Harry asked, pushing away a few strands of hair from my face. He put his fingers underneath my chin so I could look up at him, tears continuously growing in my eyes. "Talk to me my pretty, beautiful, gorgeous girl. Tell me what's going on in that pretty little mind of yours hmm?"

His words made my stomach flutter and it just made it harder to tell him. If I told him I knew he would stay here with me, he wouldn't leave to go to Manchester but I couldn't let him do that. I wasn't going to let him change his future for me.

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