Chapter 15

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I gasp awake and sit up in the bed me and Elsa share. My blood runs cold and I swear I heard a voice. 


I turn and look at my drowsy girlfriend. "Oh, I didn't mean to wake you. I'm sorry."

She sits up and hugs me from behind. The gesture sends butterflies to my stomach. I still can't believe after all this time of hopeless dreaming I'm actually here, with Elsa. "Why are you awake?" She mumbles sleepily. 

"I-uh. Bad dream." I mutter quietly.

The sleep leaves her voice, "What was it about? Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I don't remember what it was about." I say. However, as I say it the image of Elsa frozen flashes across my mind and I flinch. 

"Are you sure?" Elsa asks.

"Yes, I'm sure. It was just a dream anyway. Didn't mean anything." But even as I say it I'm not convinced it was just a dream. My mother always told me about the strangeness of dreams and what they can mean. She used to tell me stories about her mother who could see the future with her dreams. She always told me to be wary of vivid dreams. 

Elsa hums in thought before laying back down and pulling me with her so my head is in the crook of her neck. She runs a hand through my hair and the feeling calms me. 

I relax under her touch. "I love you," I mumble as my eyes slip close.

Elsa kisses my forehead, "I love you more."


The next day I'm dressed up in a beautiful dress Elsa got me. I'm talking around with some of the higher class while Elsa is out on the balcony looking over the ocean. Many of the people are interested in my relationship with the queen, asking questions like will I be queen as well, and will there be a wedding, what about an heir? Some don't approve of our relationship and say it will blow over when the queen finds a king. I just smile and nod not wanting to upset anyone. 

I notice out of the corner of my eye Kai going to tell Elsa that we were ready for her. I excuse myself and make my way to the door. I notice the ice on the railing, Kai must have startled her. I place my hand on Elsa's back and she looks at me and smiles. 


"Need a little help?" I ask giggling softly while gesturing to her hands.

"Oh! Um."

Before she says anything else I kiss her on the cheek and the ice melts away immediately. Light pink tints her cheeks and I smile. Elsa turns towards Kai. "We're coming." She grabs my hand and Kai nods. 

We begin walking back towards the doors when Elsa suddenly stops. She turns and looks out at the sea. I follow her gaze and I swear I see four diamonds but as soon as they appear they're gone. I shake it off as a reflection on the water. 

"Do you hear that?" Elsa asks. 

"What?" Kai looks at Elsa.

"Hear what?" I ask.

Elsa looks at Kai then me, "Nevermind." We turn back and enter the room. 


When we're finally done the sun is about to set. During small breaks, Elsa told me about the voice she heard before. With her hand in mine, I pull Elsa out to the balcony looking over the kingdom. 

"The winds are restless~" I sing.

"Could that be why I'm hearing this call?

Is something coming?~" Elsa squeezes her hand in mine.

"I'm not sure I want things to change at all

These days are precious

Can't let them slip away~" I rub Elsa's hand.

Down below we see Olaf, Kristoff, Sven, and Anna laughing.

"I can't freeze this moment

But we can still go out and seize this day~" Elsa laughs and pulls me back into the castle where we race down the floors and out into the square. 

Anna and Kristoff see us coming. Anna runs to meet us, Kristoff following behind. Anna and Elsa embrace and I pat Kristoff on the shoulder. We turn away from the sisters and he shows me the ring he got for Anna.

"She's going to love it!" I whisper excitedly. As selfish as it seems, Anna and Kristoff getting married would definitely take the attention off me, at least for a little while.

We help the people set up for the dinner and once everything is really I pull Elsa towards the flag steps. 

"And I promise you the flag of Arendelle will always fly~" Elsa sings as she shoots a firework of snow and ice into the sky. 

"Our flag will always fly~" I harmonize. 

I spin Elsa closer to me and dip her for a kiss, the people clap and cheer. We all settle down and gather around the large table in the middle of the square. The feast is wonderful and tasty. Anna and Kristoff are on my right and Elsa is on my left. Laugher and happy chatter keep the square anything but quiet. 

Once the dinner is over we move some tables out of the way and begin dancing under the glow of the lamps. Me and Elsa dance together until our feet are sore. I've never seen her so happy. Her smile brings my own to my face. 

We spin around in the big group switching partners and overall having a wonderful time. For a measure of the song, I end up dancing around with Kristoff, who for growing up with trolls can actually dance pretty well. 

"So lover boy, when you gonna ask her?" I say.

"Soon, I hope. Maybe tonight?" He responds. 

"Oh don't chicken out, I know for a fact that she will say yes. You just gotta get down on one knee already." I tease. 

"I know," 

Once again I am swept off by Elsa. I take one last look at Kristoff and give him a reassuring nod as he dances with Anna. He seems to calm down and lighten up as he dances with her. I return my focus to Elsa in front of me. 

"Hello again, beautiful. How was your night?" I ask.

"It was good, relaxing. I don't want anything to change."

"And nothing will. I promise." I kiss her cheek as we finish the dance. 

Everyone claps as the song comes to an end. With relative quickness, we all clean up the square and put the table away. The stars are bright in the night sky as Anna, Kristoff, Sven, Olaf, Elsa and I walk together back to the castle. I really hope the servants got some time off tonight as well. 

Hand in hand Elsa and I follow the others into the castle as the gates swing shut softly behind us. 

What a night to remember.

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