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Mika: Mhm...

???: Oh gomen Sanzu - san, Draken - kun, Mitsuya - kun, Chifuyu - san, and Baji - sama I didn't you see five come in I'm gonna go back to my seat so you guys can talk to Mika - sama

Chifuyu: Mhm it's fine

《The student leaves Mika's desk and returns to her own desk and talks with her friends about Mika meanwhile with the group》

Mika: Can you let me go Sanzu?

Sanzu: Oh sure my queen!

《Sanzu being the idiot right now let's go and doesn't notice that Mika was bothered by him just by hugging her and didn't even face them》

Mitsuya: Mika can I see your face is it okay?


《Mika gets a text and checks the text and to her surprise it's her friends she hasn't seen in a really long time since he/she both moved away when they were 5 and texts them back and was happy about the respond》

Mika: They are coming back! Ah I'm do happy this flipped my mood upside down

Draken: Who are you talking about Mika?

《Mika forgetting that she was ignoring them answers draken's question》

Mika: Two of my friends that I haven't seen in a really long time are finally coming back in 3 days and I'm really excited!!!!

《Hearing that makes them jealous well Takemichi is just staring but then gets scared and tries to keep calm but can't because of the five death staring which each student and teacher gets scared of them》

Teacher: Oh um class dismissed!

???: O-okay arigatō sensei see you tomorrow....

《The whole class packs up and get out of the classroom to escape the death stares expect Takemichi he has to hang out with the group until someone comes up to them》

???: Mika - sama!

Mika: Oh?

《Mika turns around and puts her phone away and the five look at the student and just calm down but is still jealous meanwhile Takemichi is glad that they calmed down a bit》

Mika: May I help you?

???: I wanted to ask you if you wanted to be my friend and because I'm a nobody and it will make me happy if you were my friend so it would make me less of a nobody

Mika: Ah sure I would love to be your friend * smiles *

《Well lucky for Mika's new friend that they were a girl and not a boy because the harem would be very jealous because Mika grabbed there hand》

Mika: Before we talk a bit more can you tell me your name and if it's fine can I give you a nickname?

???: Sure I don't mind having a nickname and anyways my name is Qauizin Xaiosu

Quaizin Xaiosu:

Info: Quaizin Xaiosu adopted into the family Juszain(Last name of the family she was adopted into)after her mother's death since she never met her father is the middle child in her adopted family carries a black teddy with her because that was the...

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Info: Quaizin Xaiosu adopted into the family Juszain(Last name of the family she was adopted into)after her mother's death since she never met her father is the middle child in her adopted family carries a black teddy with her because that was the last thing of her mother before she died and her adopted family is a wealthy family

Age: 14(15 in 5 moths)

Full Name: Quaizin Xaiosu/Juszain

Height: 4'8/124.24 cm

Personally: Sweet, Lazy, Smart

Likes: Kind people, Mika(As a sister), Azku(future), her family & her friends(Mika and the harem)

Dislikes: Pervs, Azku(Present), bullies, spoiled girls, being forced to do certain things

Mika: Ooo lovely name you have Quaizin and a nickname I came up for you is Aizin hopefully you like your nickname

Quaizin: I love it Mika - sama! And who are they?

《Quaizin is talking about the boys behind Mika until the bell rings so the rest of the harem and the girls come to the group》

Quaizin: And also them Mika - sama

Mika: Ah these are my friends! I'll introduce them to you but it might take a while because there are a lot of them

Quaizin: Ah its fine!

《Near the big group there were lockers and someone seeing everything you guessed it, it was the one and only Azku staring at them and scared to go to Mika and ask her what she was gonna ask her earlier》

Mika: Okay then thats Ken Ryuguji he goes by Draken but his nickname I gave him is Ken - chin and that one is Mitsuya Takashi and Chifuyu Matsuno, Baji Keisuke, and the banana head one is Kazutora Hanemiya and his nickname is Kazu, also the one wearing a mask is Sanzu Haruchiyo/Akashi, the second brother of the Akashi Family and his sister Senju Kawaragi/Akashi and there elder brother Takeomi Akashi, oh also Wakasa Imaushi, also Kokonoi Hajime, and his best friend Inui Seishu, also Takemichi Hanagaki, oh also the Haitani Brothers Ran and Rindou Haitani, oh also Hanma Shuji, Kisaki Tetta, also the Kawata Twins Souya or Angry he goes by either one and Nahoya or Smiley also goes by either one Kawata, oh also Izana Kurokawa, and also my sister Emma Sano and her friend Hina Tachibana, oh also Hakkai Shiba, also Izana's bestfriend Kakucho Hitto, also Yuzuha Shiba the sister of Hakkai, and also Pah - chin and Shion Madarame, oh also Keizo Arashi and lastly Azku Xasu

《When they all hear Azku name they are all shocked and even Azku herself is shocked and is wondering how Mika knew that she was hiding behind the lockers》

Mika: I knew you were there the entire time Azku come out now

《Azku doesn't want to but comes out either way and walks towards the big group and doesn't look at the group expect she looks at Mika and smiles a bit》

Quaizin: Your the girl everyone hates expect those rich kids....

Azku:...Yeah that's me!

《Azku says that in a sad tone and Mika smile turns into a frown and looks and Azku and says》

Mika: Hey don't worry I'll help you change and maybe everyone will start to like you from being mean and a bully to being a kind non bully person if only you let me do that

Azku: I- I that's what I was gonna ask you Mika...I was gonna tell you if you can help me change to be a better person and not continue being the person I am right now

Mika: I'll be glad to help but anyway Aizin, Azku isn't going to be the person you know she's gonna change for the better so please treat her kind

Quaizin: Mhm I will Mika - sama just because you told me but if you haven't I wouldn't considering how she acts and all...

Mika: And guys

《Mika turns around and faces the harem and also the others and turns serious》

Mika: Be kind to her and Takeomi don't let that happen again okay if you break this one simple rule get ready to be beaten up by me and Emma I promise Azku won't bully you anymore if she's going to change for good

Emma: Mhm I believe you Onee - san!

The harem: Yes Mika/my queen we won't break the rule at all...

Takeomi: And yes Mika I won't make the same mistake that I did earlier today

Mika: Alright then it's settled we will treat Azku with respect and not like before

《Let's skip to 6 months they all had gotten closer and Azku did change she isn't like before her family is proud of her and everyone at school likes the new Azku and Quaizin and started getting feelings for Azku and so did Azku but let's just say everyone - the harem knows that the harem have a BIG crush on Mika and help them and everyone knows Azku feelings for Quaizin and Quaizin feelings for Azku》

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