Chapter 5: I just don't trust Hope Mi-Marshall

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A/N: This story will not be the nicest to Josie

Lizzie POV:

As I ran back into the school to prep for Hope's and my sleep-over, I ran into Rafael. Crap, how do I not tell him that Hope and him are soulmates and she refuses to be with him because she still blames herself for her parents' deaths that happened against all odds considering they were immortal hybrids? You got this Lizzie, just wing it.

"Oh, hi Rafael," I said. God Lizzie, could you have said that any more awkwardly? Stupid.

"Hey, Lizzie. Is everything okay?"

"Oh, just peachy." Seriously, Lizzie? Peachy? You are so awkward! Get a grip on yourself!

"Okay...well, I had a question..." he trailed off.

"Ask away," I stated, exceptionally perky. Who the hell am I right now? Josie trying to flirt? Ew, gross. I really need to figure out how to talk to people when I'm keeping a secret.

" I was just wondering if you had, by chance, told Hope about what happened between you and me on your birthday?" He awkwardly asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

Thank goodness I'm not the only awkward one, but why the hell does he want to know that? Confused at what he's getting at I told him, "Yes, I have told her about how you had sex with me on the gym floor and then dumped me the next day at my birthday party which you showed up extremely late to. Why are you asking?"

He winced and looked up at me with regret, "Once again, I am extremely sorry about that, but is it possible for you to put in a good word for me with Hope? I know that I was a dick about that whole thing, but I really like Hope and we kind of had something going on, and now she's acting all weird. So I think her hearing from you that I'm a different man since what happened between us can go a long way to helping me fix what's going on."

"Why would me putting a good word in help?" I asked him, super confused.

"Well, last night we had a moment and now she's acting weird, you know, cause you told her about us," he explained like it was obvious.

"Oh," I winced, realizing what he thought and why he was talking to me. "Hope already knew about what happened between us when she slept with you, and yes, I knew about that. So her acting weird has nothing to do with what happened between us."

"Oh," he sadly whispered. "So she just regrets it then."

"Oh no! I mean kind of, but not in the way you think!" I tried to correct him.

"In what way is it?"

"Okay, so you know how Hope had the awful ex who straight up forgot she exists?"

"Yeah I know the dick," he grumbles.

I laughed at him saying that, Raf not knowing he was talking about Landon. After composing myself, I continued, "Well, due to that and some loss of loved ones, Hope is pretty wary of letting people in. If she's ignoring you, it means you got past her walls enough that she needs to fortify. Good for you, just don't keep pushing her! If you keep pushing you'll lose any semblance of a chance."

"Okay, thanks Lizzie. It's nice to have help from someone that actually knows her. Landon just keeps telling me his ways that he got Josie and that's not helpful. Josie and Hope are very different."

"You're welcome. See you around."

"See ya," he told me as we waved goodbye.

Oh god! He's so in love with her! He was literally begging me to put in a good word for him and was apologizing so much. God Hope! Why can't you just be happy? I mean I know why, but god! I'm gonna figure out a way for those two love-struck idiots to be together so Hope can finally start putting her happiness first, and realizing that the universe can't dictate everything if you don't let it. I then entered my room to pack my bag and saw Josie standing waiting for me.

"Why the hell do you need the spell I used to purge the dark spirit from you?" she demanded, crossing her arms.

"Well Jo," as I moved to pack, I remembered what Hope said and decided to go with that, "I want the spell so that if anyone gets possessed by a dark spirit again, because who knows with Malivore, we can get rid of it. Also, the more people who know the better."

"Would more people include Hope?" she asks venomously.

"Yes, Hope is a witch so her knowing the spell and having another witch able to perform the spell is good."

"This is her idea isn't it, those are her words aren't they?" Jo asked angrily. "If you're just gonna give this to her then no, I'm not giving it to you."

"Okay! I won't share it with Hope then," I lied, somehow it was believable this time. "I don't understand why you hate her so much though."

"I don't trust her. She just popped up here and knew exactly what spell was needed to change Rafael back, she's able to easily kill every monster that pops up, she's somehow a werewolf-witch hybrid, and she's weaseled her way into everyone's trust. I will be the sane one and remain distrustful of her until she proves herself trustful."

"And this has nothing to do with you feeling insecure in your relationship with Landon?"

"That has nothing to do with this!"

"Are you sure Jo? I know that you were feeling insecure in your relationship and she popped up right at that time. I also know that Landon was paying her some attention which wasn't nice and–"

"Can you stop? You're making me sound like a jealous obsessive girlfriend and I'm not, okay! I just don't trust Hope Mi-Marshall and I don't get why everyone is hanging around her and wanting to bask in her presence! You're insane for trusting her when we know nothing about her! This is just like you, trusting someone who pays you just the slightest bit of attention even though they could be evil! You need to be more careful and not trust Hope until she shows us who she really is."

"Well Jo," I coldly said, "first of all, I don't just trust people because they pay me attention; Sebastian was a result of me being horny enough to look over his awfulness. Second of all, maybe I trust Hope and like spending time with her because she doesn't throw the fact that I'm mentally ill in my face, or crack jokes about it. Also, Hope has shown me who she really is, and she is genuinely nice and gets me. She has her own issues and we've been helping each other cope; it's like group therapy, cause I've found someone else who understands what it feels like to be broken. She doesn't tell me that we're gonna 'fix' me. So, if it's all good with you, miss 'dictates who can spend time with who', I'm gonna take this spell," I grab the paper, "and I'm gonna go hang out with my best friend Hope," I grumble as I grab my bag and walk to the door.

"Where are you going?" she yells.

"Not here!" I yell back as I slam the door.

I get that Josie doesn't remember Hope, but how can she be this spiteful to her? Just because Landon connected a bit with Hope, doesn't mean she can hate her–especially if she thinks Landon is fine enough to still date after. At least I have the spell so Hope can bring her family's memories back. I've got some time to spare, so I'll chill in the library, maybe do some research into immortality without vampirism–or just vampirism itself, so I know what I could potentially be getting myself into. Luckily, when Hope brings her family's memories back I'll have all of them to help me.

Finding nothing about immortality without vampirism, I checked out six books about life as a vampire to figure out if I want to be a heretic. I placed them in my duffle bag as I sent a text to my dad telling him my plans for the night. Then I hopped in the car unc-Damon gave me for my birthday and left to go to the Mikaelson mansion. Time to go have a fun night with my bestie.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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