Chapter 1

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Gun shooting

"Capture them!" Wooyoung said

The bad guys started to fight us off but with our great skill we're were able to defeat then.

I got off my motorcycle and walks towards the car that had the boss inside. I knocked on the window.

Khun picked up a gun and walked towards the window and knocked on it with the gun. Khun signal the boss to lower the window.

"Come out" I said crossing my arm.

The boss lower the window.

"What do you want?! You already killed my men" the boss scream

"The money" I said signaling with my head.

The boss gave Khun the bag that was fill with cash.

Khun opened the bag and I got a handful of the cash.

Wooyoung and Jaemin walked towards the car. I looked at them and throw the cash in the air.

"What the heck? You guys capture me for the money right?!"

Jaemin lean towards the car.

"Come on grandpa. Of course we did it for satisfaction" Jaemin said laughing causing us to laugh too.

Soon two black van pulled up. An old man step out the car.

"Leeteuk" Wooyoung, Khun and Jaemin said together.

Leeteuk walked towards us.

Wooyoung, Khun, snd Jaemin bowed to Leeteuk.

"San. It's time to go home" he said to me.

"I'll go home when I want to" I said before turning around and getting on my motorcycle.

I drove off and over the high way hill when another black van stop in the far distant.

I brake my motorcycle to see who it was.

The door opened and a girl walked out.


I looked at her and she looked back at me. She soon opened her arm trying to stop me.

I chuckled. I turned my engine back on and drive full speed towards her.

Right when I got to her I braked causing my motorcycle to stop in front of her. My lips connected to hers. I pulled away and turn off my engine and got off.

"Why are you blocking me? Do you wanna die" I said to her

"Yeah. Why didn't you just killed me" she said back

I grab her hand. I looked at her hand and it was shaking.

I chuckled.

"You're so brave that your shaking. Are you shaking because I was going to hit you...." I said before leaning in "..or from my kiss"

She push my back and I let her arm go.

"San have some sense in you" she said back to me.

A black van pulled in front of me and Leeteuk came out.

"San, the elders are waiting for you" he said bowing to me.

I turned my head frustrated and look back at Leeteuk. I walked towards the black van and got it. Leeteuk followed and closed the door.

Before the door can fully closed, I looked at Min and did a small little peck towards her. She glared at me. I chuckled and lean back on my seat.

{Naying (San's Mom) POV}

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2022 ⏰

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