And so it Begins

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Had someone told Dave that faithful incident at the Arcana Cabana would lead him to become the Prime Merlinian, defeat one of the most powerful sorcerers known to man, and marry his elementary school crush, well, he's not quite sure how he would react. Yet, here he stood, tears glistening in his eyes as he watched the love of his life walk down the aisle with a smile he couldn't help but match. It felt like forever ago when he was just the geeky physics nerd trying to balance his life with the duties bestowed on him as the Prime Merlinian. Of course, neither of those has changed for the most part. Throughout the years since his battle with Morgana, he alongside Balthazar and Veronica had been involved in plenty of magical affairs to stop the last of the Morganians; all while Dave tried to balance his career as an electrical engineer researcher and his love life with Becky.

    Life as the Prime Merlinian was tricky, to say the least. Hell, he and Becky had already been legally married since 2014, unable to have an official wedding till now, two years later, due to their latest pursuit to find Horvath. They came up empty-handed, as if the man had simply disappeared from existence. Dave didn't mind, he was more than ready to put that chapter of his life behind him and finally get back the normalcy he's been craving.

    Becky's arm was looped around her father's as she walked down the aisle, the crowd of close family members and friends rising. Everything was perfect, the way it was meant to be, and no one was going to take this night away from them...

    "Oh honey! Look at my boy, all grown up!" Dave's mother gushed, bringing him into a tight hug and smothering him in kisses. The after-party had just started, taking the wedding outside in the venue's gorgeous garden. Becky couldn't have picked a more beautiful venue, there was a large pergola sitting just outside the botanical hedge maze. Lights were strung above in the rafters creating a warm atmosphere that complemented the setting sun nestled in between the hills in the distance. From their location, they could see the vineyard stretch for miles around them. Dave couldn't help but be reminded of their flight over France.

    "Don't smother him to death dear." his Dad joked, giving him a pat on the back. "It's good to see you again son, it's been a while since you've come down to visit!" Dave forced a small laugh,

    "Yeah... you know how it is," Dave said, wanting to change the topic before he'd be forced to make a lame attempt at hiding what he's truly been doing recently. Luckily, his Mom changed the topic for him,

    "Oh Becky, you look stunning in your dress! It's so nice to see you too, how has Dave been treating you? He better not be keeping himself holed up in his lab all the time." Dave's mother jokes, hugging Becky as well.

    "I make sure Dave sees daylight," Becky responded, chuckling, "Well, when I can. I swear he'd forget to eat if I wasn't there to remind him." she teases, both of the women laughing as Dave huffs, glancing down for a moment with a tight smile,

    "Are we done bashing the groom?" he says lightly. Becky's laughter dies down into a loving sigh, giving him a side hug and placing her chin on his shoulder,
    "We're just teasing Dave." She says, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. Dave smiles, looking Becky in the eyes, wrapping his arm around her back, returning the peck.   

"Yes, well we'll have plenty of time to bask in the sun this summer as I recently completed my research on combining electrical and solar energy. It will take a few months to see if the board approves it or not but I have a strong feeling it'll be a hit" Dave says, bringing Becky closer to him.

"That's wonderful Dave, I'm sure they'll approve it in no time!" Becky congratulates. Dave's parents glance at each other, Dave's dad nodding,

"Speaking of this summer," Dave's Mom begins, "We hope this wouldn't be too much of a bother on you two but, oh how do I say this," Dave tilts his head, puzzled.

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