Chapter 1

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Margarine's POV:

Ahh...another morning ey! How wonderfull, I get to go to school and see my bestest friends in the WORLD. Unfortunately life isn't that easy but atleast I can get by in this strange town. I'm margarine stotch! At school I'm nit the smartest person but I am still able to get a somewhat passing grade and that's all that matters I guess. Now! Time to actually start getting ready for school, we'll just skip all the boring stuff.

I changed into my outfit and threw my bag on my back. As I walked towards the front gates of the school, I see my friends Bebe and Wendy. Bebe is that girl that really loves shopping and ya know..the classic "material girl" Wendy on the other hand is a bit more level headed and has one of the highest scores in the class! Don't get me wrong, she still loves shopping and new clothes. I leap towards them and they catch me. I hug them and yell "HEY GUYS!" The reason I'm so happy to see them is because I went on a holiday and wasn't able to see them in person for two weeks. "Margarine! Hey you're finally back. Thought you just up and left us haha!" Wendy laughs out. "Well don't keep me waiting, where is Nichole?" I asked impatiently. They just stared at me for a second confused and then announced. "Oh yeah that's right..she must be away today or something because we haven't seen her for like- 4 days" Bebe said, almost shouting it. "It was actually three days Bebe..anyway yeah it's true she hasn't responded to us so she must be really sick! Or grounded." I frowned upon hearing Wendy explain that but quickly smiled again and spouted: "welp, we better head to class than ey?" We all giggled and rushed into class.

"Hey butte- Margarine! When you left for that holiday was that just an excuse to not pay me back!?" Cartman scowled. He was an ever bigger idiot then little miss dumb Bebe over there. Which is bad, very bad, "no Eric, i was planning that holiday with my family before I had to give u that $5 back I swear..and I'll give it to you tomorrow okay?" I replied to him. He just glared towards me before the teacher came walking in. Yes! Thank you mr Garrison. Everyone who was standing up or drawing on the board returns to their seats and our teacher just snarled while he wiped off the board. He then started speaking "okay so regarding those texts from last week here are your marks, and once again of course. Wendy and Kyle have the best grades." I glance over at Kyle and Wendy angrily staring at eachother from the corner of their eyes. Oh boy! They are real funny sometimes. They both have this strange enemy relationship. Kyle and Wendy always compete with their marks in tests and since they are the two people closest to Stan, they both and up arguing about either him or assessments. I don't know how my buddy Stan deals with them two. Atleast Wendy is Semi-normal around the girls, but she does complain about Kyle a lot..atleast it makes for some nice laughs.

Eventually class finished and everyone rushes over to the door. As I'm about to exit I get a notification from my phone. The text reads: 'hey everyone, sorry I haven't replied lately. I had to get a new phone so this is my new number. -from me Nichole obviously😐' it was in a newly made groupchat from an unknown number which is as as she said, is from Nichole! "Girls look! Nichole is answering us finally!!" I yell grabbing onto Heidi and Bebe's arm at the same time. Wait- where is Wendy? Ehh h well! "Nichole is alright, well golly I thought she went and died or something" Bebe jokingly replied. "Yeah glad she's online. About time!" Heidi remarked. We all speed walk out of the school grounds. I felt a ding inside of my pockets and pick it up to see a text from Wendy. 'Code GREEN IDIOT girls. I'm so annoyeddd!!' That most likely means she is annoyed about Kyle, they had a mutual relationship back in primary but ever since highschool they just started competing. The other girls whip their phones out and I see that Bebe replied: "dang girl..want us to head over so u can talk about it.😊" "Wendy: yes please! Thank you all so much"

We arrive at Wendy's house and knock on the door. Wendy answers it and leads us up to her room. "Everyone..that stupid green hat idiot Kyle keeps getting on my nerves with everything he does! He tries taking up all of stans time just to annoy me and flexes his grades once again, JUST TO GET ON MY NERVESSS!!!" Wendy yells in an agitated tone. "Woah Wendy, you never act so irrational about silly things like this! It can't be just this that's annoying you right?" I nervously asked. She sat there staring off into the distance and then averted her gaze towards me. "You might not be completely wrong..but it is part of it." Heidi does a gesture that imply's 'go on.' "Well this is still kindaaa about Kyle, I'm kind of getting tired of all this competing with him. And I just...I miss primary school! Everything was so simple back then, it was just all the girls together. We had our boyfriends. We got into lots of drama that we could eventually pass, but now half the group has torn apart and my friendships with others have become somewhat of a war." We all sat there quiet for a moment until Heidi interrupted the silence "yeah I know what you mean Wendy, I have been hoping every night that things would return back to primary. Everything was difficult yet fun. Now everything is just difficult. Full stop." Wow! Heidi is great at comforting people unlike me..ehh I shouldn't that bad about myself I'm sure I'm good too I just haven't had much of a chance to use this comforting skill with other people. I stood up and walked over to Wendy. I then squeezed her into a big embrace. The other two, Heidi and Bebe followed me and did the same until it turned into a messy group hug. "Thanks so much guys!" She shouted in appreciation. I'm so glad I could make her feel a bit better..oh I mean we could make her feel better! I'm not self-centred I promise. We spent awhile there just playing games and ya know talking. Wendy suddenly says "we have school tomorrow still so it isn't a good idea to sleep over so you must be heading back now, I'll see you all tomorrow BYEEE!" I skipped out of the room. It isn't like I wanted to hurry up and get out of there..but I do need to rush back since I don't want to get grounded.

I step onto the first step up to my house..then second..then third. I reach the top. I reluctantly twisted the door knob and opened the door. There he was, dad was sitting there watching t.v. Oh boy I'm in trouble. He glanced over to me as I tried sneaking past. "Why are you out so late?" I hear my dad say, I turn around nervously. "Hehe..oh hey dad! I was out with my girl friends!" " that again without telling me and you are so grounded mister! Or uh- mrs?" I sigh while hearing those words. Well I guess he does this because he loves me and wants to make sure I'm okay..! So I cant be too ungrateful. I run up to my bedroom and flop down onto the bed. Ahh so comfy! Today was overall pretty nice! Since I got to see my friends again and Nichole answered us. I melt into the covers and eventually start drifting off.

End of chapter: 1354 words

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