It's your fault

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"Well you slept with Harry" Ginny replied.
"yeah, and who's fault was that?"
"Just leave, Hermione"

I was walking back to my dorm, Harry still following me. "Harry, I think I need some alone time.." I said. "I just don't want you to be alone right now, Mione" he answered. "It's fine, really. Don't worry about it. I've just got a little headache that's all." I smiled. "Alright, but if u need anything u know where to find me," he said and walked off. I lied, I wasn't okay and the headache wasn't minor. it was destroying me. I got into my dormitory planning to work on my potions assignment, I tried to grab it out of my bag but started to feel dizzy, I stood still for a second and felt my head swirl. Before I could comprehend it I dropped senseless on my bed.

-3:47 AM-

I awoke with still, a throbbing headache. I noticed that it was already dark outside, I checked my clock and saw it was nearly 4 AM. I had class the next day and decided to stay awake.

-4:23 AM-

My headache worsened so I began walking through the halls on my way to the Hospital Wing to get a cold pack.

-4:42 AM-

As i was walking back to my dorm, i walked past Ginny's. I stood in front of the door for a good minute or three. I wanted to knock, but it was nearly 5 AM, she surely isn't awake, or that's what i thought at least. I heard footsteps in the dorm, footsteps that were approaching the door. I knew i couldn't get away as quickly without her noticing, so i froze. I simply just stood there as Ginny opened the door. "Hermione??? What the fuck? What are you doing in front of my dorm at" she stopped talking to look at a clock. "5 AM?? Are you crazy? Please. Just leave. You know i don't wanna talk to you" she said. She tried to close the door but i held it open. "You didn't even give me a chance to explain. Why does it matter, what happened. U decided that you and me weren't a thing. Remember? And after all. It didn't take you long until you've found someone else to keep you busy." I explained. Ginny scoffs "You really think me and Luna did something? You're so presumptuous, Hermione. And i didn't say we weren't a thing. Just.. not in public." She said. I felt disgusted by her words. "The you shouldn't have kissed me after i told you i liked you, and you shouldn't have said what you said! If u don't want to be seen with me in public, fine. But then you won't have me in private either." I stated. "Mione, come on. You know how much it hurts both our images to be seen with eachother. Besides, maybe you should take your chance with Harry. Because at the moment he's more into you than i am." She said as she slammed the door in my face. "Fine." I said to myself as i walked back to my own dorm.

-7:00 AM-
I arrived to my first class of the day, Transfiguration. I saw Ginny sitting on the left side of the class, Harry in the middle of the class, and Ron on the right side. My stupid decisions caused even more decisions. I couldn't sit next to Ginny. Definitely not, unless i wanted to make a scene. Harry would be the best option, you'd think. No bad blood or bad feelings. But i still had to apologise to Ron for what happened. I've been stuck with the guilt. I've just had so many things on my mind that i couldn't find the right time. So, i went to sit next to Ron.
After 25 minutes of sitting quietly with him. I decided to break the silence with "i'm sorry" that was all i could say. But shit. He doesn't want me to know about his feelings for me. "I'm sorry for making everything awkward between you, me and Harry." I said. "It's not your fault. I blame Harry for this." He said. "This isn't totally Harry's fault. It takes 2, you know? I just hope you could forgive us." I pleaded. "I just need time, Mione. Time alone" he said. I nodded and switched places with Seamus, who was sitting next to Harry. "You okay?" He asked. I just sighed in response. "It's gonna be okay, Mione. Ron's gonna forgive us and Ginny is gonna see what she's missing soon. Just give it time." He said. "But i can't give it time. I've ruined everything. My friendship and relationship with Ginny, my friendship with Ron. And even your friendship with Ron." I said. "Quiet now, everyone. And focus on your spells." The professor said, looking at me and Harry. Every single thought going through my brain in a chain. "Will Ron stay mad for a long time? What if he never forgives us, our friendship would be wrecked. And what if Ginny tells him about me and her too? Thinking of Ginny, does she even care about what happened? She doesn't seem to be affected by it at all. Wel unless we're talking" i felt close to panic and my heartbeat and breathing began to sped up. I raised my hand. "Professor McGonagall, could i please be excused?" I asked rapidly. She had a look on her face, as if she knew something was wrong, and nodded in approval. I ran out to the halls and into the the girls' restroom. Moaning Myrtle was nowhere in sight. That was good. I sat against a wall trying to collect my thoughts and relax. "Hermione, are you in here?" I heard Ron yell as he walked in. He was one of the last people i'd expect to come after me right now. He saw and came to sit on the floor with me. "Mione, i'm sorry. It's not your fault. And i shouldn't have exposed u in front of the entire school like that." He apologised. "Thank you, Ron. This means a lot to me, you're a great friend." I hugged him. "But, you know you're not supposed to come into the girls' restroom, right?" I said. "Yes, and thats why im leaving right now, if u come with me." He said. I stood up. "I think i'm just gonna head to my dorm. I'll see you at lunch though." I said. "Hermione Granger skipping classes? That's new." He laughed. I smiled in reply. We both walked out of the restroom heading different directions.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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