Oneshot <33

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Just  a oneshot, if you guys didn't see my other story.

Cw: Sadboo
Tw: arguements, voices, implied suicide
*Ranboo's pov*
It was my Bee's birthday today. He was always so cute, especially when he gardened, which never happened much after his presidency, yet today, he was outside for most of the day. I was making lemonade for him as he came inside, wiping sweat and dirt from their forehead.  He was absolutely adorable. "Bee! I made you some lemonade, it's iced this time!" I remembered the last time I made him a drink. It wasn't iced and he got mad, yelling at me about being a better caretaker. But he was sick, he didn't mean it. I watched as he scoffed and walked past me, getting a beer from the fridge and going to the livingroom. I put the lemonade down, I don't know what I did wrong, but I followed him. "The garden looks great..." I sat beside him, only for them to scoot away. "I know. And I'm not done with it because someone had to keep staring.

I knew he was talking about me, but he never had a problem with it. "I'm're just so cute.." I smiled, trying to cheer him up. I don't like seeing him upset, even though I caused it. "Whatever. And don't call me cute, I told you how much that makes me feel weak." I nodded and got up. "I'm...going for a walk," I looked at him, awaiting the familiar pleads to stay, but instead, I got a huff and a glare in return. "You're blocking the TV." I sighed and walked out of the house. I knew he loved Pink Tulips, as I remember him saying something about how Tommy once got him flower seeds.

I was gonna cheer him up! I walked a bit until I found a field with loose dirt and pink tulips! Exactly what I was looking for. I picked up a few blocks with 2-4 flowers on them,and made sure to flatten the dirt around it. I walked back to the house, seeing Tubbo walk out of it as soon as I got to the porch. His small smile turned into a glare immediately. "Hey Bee, I know you probably are still mad about the drink, so I got you flowers! Their your favourite!" He picked up the blocks as I set them down, his glare....hardening? What did I do now?! "These better not be from my flower garden." I shook my head, they were from a field! And that's exactly what I told him. "Nope! They're from a field," I happily exclaimed, waiting for that happy smile. Instead, I got an even harder glare. "You know damn well that I have planted flowers in every single field, because snowchester DOESN'T GROW FUCKING FLOWERS!" I flinched at the yelling, and nodded. I messed up, big time. I had more trouble with my memory ever since Tubbo had been sick. Before he could yell again, I shielded my face, and when I looked around again, I was in my panic room. I guess my brain needed me here.

Though, immediately, I started getting spam calls from Bee, and I answered. "Ranboo! You can't fucking run away from this! I know where you are, so don't make me come get you. I will make sure you fix my fucking garden." I let out a shakey breath,  talking softly. "I j-just wanted y-you to be happy," I explained, sliding down the obsidian wall that I always seemed to come back to. I heard a sigh from the other end of the line and I winced. I knew he was annoyed. "I don't care what you "tried" to do, or were trying to do. I take a break for 5 minutes to have a drink and you're tearing up my fuckin' gardens!" I whispered an apology and heard more yelling. "I don't even know why I married you! All you're good for is cleaning and cooking, and you barely do that right! When you decide to come back, take your son." My breath hitched as I heard the beeping noise, indicating he hung up.

My son? He doesn't know why he married me? It was all too fast. Was  he divorcing me again? Was it his drunk thoughts taking over? Drunk sayings are sober thoughts. The voices rang in the back of my head, and I couldn't think straight. My first instinct in these situations would be to call Tubbo, but because he's- No, I did this to myself. I can't call Tubbo. So I called Tommy, who went straight to the busy tone as I heard banging on the door of the panic room, then Tubbo's voice. I took off my ring, expecting more painful yelling.

"RANBOO OPEN UP! I DIDN'T MEAN IT! PLEASE, BOO!" I covered one of my ears and opened the door. He had his phone in one hand, mumbling into it, and an empty bottle in his other. I was immediately embraced, which made him drop his phone, and I heard no other but the screaming child we call Tommy on the other line. "Boo, I'm sorry! I took my anger out on you, I didn't mean to say those thingsss! Take me backkkkk" I wasn't going to point out the fact it had only been 10 minutes, so I hugged him back. It always ended like this. We'd get in a fight, he'd threaten to divorce me, we'd make up, sometimes make out, then he would forget it all in the morning. But I know he doesn't mean it. So I kiss him on the forehead and smile, pulling away from the hug and putting my ring back on, which had left an imprint in my hand from where I was holding it so hard.

When we got home, Tommy had already hung up, and Tubbo wouldn't let go of my arm. I stumbled a bit trying to go upstairs, looking down at them to see a happy smile. "I'm glad you didn't sleepwalk. I love you."

Little did I know, those were hollow words. With even more hollow smiles. I sit here, a few months later, looking at the divorce papers that Tubbo had signed. I had the rights to our little Micheal, and he took the mansion. I let him keep it. I didn't need it. Wouldn't need it. Soon.

I looked up, seeing the cliff beside me, taking one last glance at this beautiful world, before letting gravity take toll. If only I knew he was lying when he said he loved me. That he was lying when he promised to love me in sickness and in health. I heard the cries of our, no, my son as my back hit the water, the slow, but rushed feeling of pain rushing over my entire body. "I love you" If only that was true.

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