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(DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. It's important to remember this is all totally fabricated, embellished, and exaggerated for entertainment purposes.)


I have become, I have become yours

Crazily, crazily

Kailash Kher | Teri Deewani

That night in the tub after fucking ourselves stupid, we sat knees intertwined and muttering over candlelight and Bob Marley's greatest hits. "Stir It Up" bled from the speakers now. A cloud of weed smoke enshrouded us. I couldn't believe how fast the day had flown. We'd had too much fun exploring the town and later playing with the paint guns in the fields outside the house. We were pretty bruised where the balls had hit. God I needed to buy more time. It can't be over yet. He'd be leaving in the morning and it would be over a week before I met up again with him in New York. Best make the most of whatever was left

I took the glass of wine from his hand, balancing the joint between two fingers. As I took a long sip, emptying the glass, his dripping fingers traced the sunflowers on my neck, then pretended to choke me.

"I like these...very much."

"The flowers? Yeah...I thought they'd be pretty sick. They match the theme of the album in a way."

"You ever gonna tell me more about this album, mate, or are you just gonna keep teasing me with passing details?"

"Nope, not tellin'. Youh didn't tell me either, remember?"

"Well...that's because the entire thing was about you..."

"And what makes youh think mine isn't about youh?"

"These, for instance," he pointed to the eyes on my chest.

"Babe...it's not like that. I promise. Youh have noh ideah. Trust me..."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever...I'm over it. I like the sunflowers though. Sunflowerssss..." he grinned to himself. "I can't wait to change your name in my phone."

"Careful now...don't make it too obvious..."

"And what about the ones on your head?"

"What about 'em?"

"I can't see them now, but I remember the pictures. How long did they take?"

"Trust me, youh don't wanna know. I was sat there all day for the bigger one, yeah?" I hit the jay and sprouted a few smoke rings and he tried to eat them. "Fuck, babe, it hurt baddd too. Worst pain of me goddamned life. Couldn't stop cryin' either. And youh know I normally don't complain about tattoo pain."

"Well, I think you get a pass this time. A needle repeatedly stabbing your skull and sending vibrations through to your brain would bring anyone to tears. It's basically brain surgery."

"True," I laughed. "Fanks for the sympathy."

"Gimme that..." he took the joint and hit it a couple of times, blowing the smoke gently over my face. "So why'd you do it?' he asked.

"What's that?"

"The head tattoos...?"

"Oh...uh..." I shrugged a little, rubbing my hands up and down his thighs and kissing his upraised knees. "Because...I just felt like I owed it to ya, is all. After gettin' her eyes the way I did...I didn't realize how much it would bother youh. Then I got to thinkin' how fucked it was of me to do since youh and I are together sumtimes. Soh, I just needed to make it up to youh somehow, babe. Let youh know where we stand. That's why I chose the head...it's the most important part of my body, but also...I think I wanted to punish myself with the pain."

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