Plan (2)

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Xiao Zhan pov

"Hey love"

I jumped as I heard yibo voice

I hope he didn't hear anything...

"Hey yibo"

I smiled at him

"Still looking cute as ever"

He said as he grab my cheek

He was smiling , his eyes always melts my heart , I love him so much

"You know..I am very happy that I've find you again"


What was he trying to say?

"I am very happy with you and hope we can have a lifetime together , please don't ever leave me again"

He wrapped his hands around me


But the plan..?

I put my face on his shoulder and hug him too , I wanted to cry , my eyes got wet with tears

"Whats wrong? Why are you cryin-"

"I am just happy that we got reunited again"

He smiled at me

"..and i'm sure we will..have a lifetime together.."

I lied..

I'm sorry I lied..

He hug me tightly

I am sorry love..but I've got a promise and you know how much I will never break a promise..

Xingchen Pov

It was cold tonight

I was in my bed , covered with a blanket , I was still cold since tonight's was a bit colder than usually

I sign

I couldn't sleep since , my heart was aching for no reason

For the first time in my life , i got attached to some serial killer

I sign and got up , I went to the window and looked outside , it was so lonely outside

"Still up?"

I turn around to see Haoxuan

"What are you doing here?"

"Making sure my friend is alright , you seem to be sad"

He said , approaching me with a cup of tea , he gave it to me , I took it

"No , im not sad"

"So what's making you sad?"

He asked while staring outside

How did he notice I was sad? How did he know I was up?

"How did you know I was up and sad?"

"People footsteps always wakes me up easily , im a light sleeper , always wake up when there is noises"

I made an 'o' with my mouth

"Knowing if people are sad or angry is easy , just one glance at the face and you know it"

That's smart of him , I didn't know he was quite the smart one

"You give me energy of an animal"

"And that's suppose to mean?"

"You seem like a bad guy from the outside but from the inside , you seem really caring for someone like you"

I said while staring at him

Haoxuan pov

"You seem like a bad guy from the outside but from the inside , you seem really caring for someone like you"

Xingchen said while he was staring at me

"What can I say , looks can betray a person"

I said giving him a smirk


I saw him looking outside , looking at the stars

"The moon is beautiful isn't it?"

I said , looking at him lovingly


He nodded

"Well I will be going now"

I said , giving him one last glance

"Take care..Xingchen"

I said and left ,  knowing that I won't ever step into this house again after tomorrow

Zanjin pov

I was sitting down , drinking coffee that Haoxuan made for me , I stand up and sign

I wanted it to be tomorrow so bad so we could process our plan , plan to kill the last family , the last family of Wen

Suddenly I heard the door opened , it was Haikuan

"What are you doing here?"

I asked , there were nothing for him to do here , at this hour

"I saw the lights was still on so I guessed that you couldn't sleep"

"But shouldn't you be asleep?"

"I'm a detective , usually I don't sleep at this time because I still need to research information , well its my job"

I look down and sign

"Whats bothering you?"


I suddenly could felt the breathing of Haikuan near my neck , and he was grabbing my waist , o couldn't help but blush

I'm i getting feeling for a dumbass like him?

No , i can't fell for a detective


"You sure?"

I could feel his breath more near my face now

"Yeah , just a headache"

I said and that lie seem to have convinced him

"Well , I have some pills , I will be right back"

He said and as he left the room , I sat down

I don't know why but for some reason i feel a bit different , imagining living this house , and him..

I don't know why I was feeling this way

I snapped out of my thoughts when Haikuan came back with some pills

"Take them , it will help your headache"

"Yeah , thanks"

I said and put them on my table

"Aren't you gonna take them?"

"I will , but later so I can sleep peacefully"

"I want to see you take them so I know that you've took them"

"Hm okay"

I took the pills and drank some water

"Good , now go to sleep"

"Yeah , thanks"

I said , and then he left the room

I immediately spit out the pill

"To think that I am that naive , liu haikuan , you are really smart , but I am not that stupid to fall into your trick"

I said to myself , as I know he heard us talking about our plan earlier

"Giving me a sleeping pill , how pathetic"

I crushed the pill and throw it in the dust bin

Liu Haikuan , that was a really smart move of you

I sign and went to my bed , tomorrow was going to be a long day

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