Chapter 1: Kicked out

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-(Y/n) pov-

-"They will be home any SECOND now!"- (Y/d/n) said -"You got to tell them RIGHT away!"-, I was standing outside of the door and listerning. I just came home from college it was kinda fun! but I kinda thought it was boring, I used to love school but over the time I began to hate it. It only got harder each year, now I was standing outside the door listerning to my dad yelling at my mom to kick me out, why would he do that? I thought I decided to wait to my dad was done talking to my mom.

-"But- you cant just kick them out right after they came home!"- My mom tried to defend me but she didn't need to, I was thinking about moving out after college but I guess im getting kicked out now. I opened the door I heard that I had cut his sentence and they both turned they're head my way, my pet ran over to me and I petted them there name was (y/p/n) but I mostly called them "cutie pie" because they were so CUTE!. I got snapped out of my thoughts when my dad yelled at me -"YOU WERENT SUPPOSE TO BE HOME NOW!"- he said -"werent I? I thought I was suppose to be here any second?"- I said and put on a smirk on my face, I was right he just said that I was home any second -"I- IT WAS NOT WHAT I MEAN-"- he was cut off by my mom -"you heard that dear?"- she said -"yeah.. But I was thinking that I was going to move out after some time, but I guess now that I have been kicked out."- I said, whispering at "but i guess now that I have been kicked out". My dad heard that -" WELL- then get out."- He said somehow very calm, -"okay... if thats your final choice. Im moving"-.

-"(y/n)..."- My mom said almost in tears -"Mom im going to be fine, Dont worry"- I said smiling at my mom, I ran up to my room and got my stuff I just had enough time to rent an apartment (i know this seem un logical but- just act like it was an apartment that was free-) and when i got down stairs my mom was crying, I was going to miss her and (y/p/n).

I hugged (y/m/n) goodbye, my dad was just standing waiting for me to leave, I petted (y/p/n) goodbye and then went out the door to find a bus that went in the direction of my new apartment.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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