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(I was listening to a party playlist while writing this so you are more than free to do that too if you want to get the feeling of a party. I am gonna tell you once again that yes, this is a Neymar JR fanfic lol. Have fun.)

15 August 2017

"I am so excited!!" Gigi repeated for the third time in literally one minute. I looked over at Zayn who laughed at her. "I feel sorry for you" I looked at him and he just laughed at me.

We had all just gotten ready and we were just waiting for the taxi that was gonna take us to the party/event or whatever it was gonna be.

"You look so fucking good Ash!" Kylie exclamied while the others were chatting about other stuff in the background. "You know someone special there or what" she teased me.

"Shut up" I laughed and punched her jokingly in the arm while she just laughed at me. "No, I don't have a clue about who is going to be there but your girl need some action today, if it is that kind off party" I told her and she smirked at me and I slapped her arm again.

"If I were a boy, or a lesbian, I would totally smash" Bella said when I suddenly realized that everyone had been listening at the last thing I said.

"Great" I said and everyone laughed. Gigi got a message that the taxi had arrived and so we all went downstairs and got in the taxi, thankfully there were no paparazzi outside because we were all ready for it to be paparazzi at the party.


Gigi and Bella's looks:

Gigi and Bella's looks:

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Kendall's look:

Kendall's look:

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Kylie's look:

Kylie's look:

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