Snow Day

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Chapter 6: 2005 Age 12

The cold wind stings my face as I sit outside. Snowflakes glitter as the sun begins to rise. Snow day.

It's not blizzarding no, the snow falls slowly but after a night of this inches of snow lay on the frozen ground and cover the streets that have yet to be plowed.

"What are you doing Amara?" Allie asks. Unlike me she has not dressed for the cold, more like she had rushed outside upon seeing me. A blanket hangs on her shoulders and fuzzy slippers keep her feet from touching the snow.

I grin without knowing why. "I have no idea. I just felt like going outside."

With that Allie raises an eyebrow. "Well, remember, I'm responsible for you both today."

Lana has just begun to walk, and I wonder where she is at this point in time. Allie has left her unsupervised.

Apparently, my former self and I are thinking the same thing. "Where's Lana?"

"In the play pen." Allie says almost impatiently.

I think now that maybe this is wrong, yes Allie was a freshly made teenager but is it really her responsibility to watch us?

Especially with Allie recently coming home from the hospital.

I do not wish to think about that at this time I want to squeeze my eyes shut tightly and wish it all away.

"Just don't take off okay Amy?" Her eyes are pleading as she stands on the porch of our front yard. With that she huffs, showing a cloud of breath swirling around her, turns, and goes back inside.

I shiver despite the heavy coat, scarf, mittens, and hat. I feel my nose running. Still, I remember having intentions of watching the sun rise.

I plop down into the snow without snow pants which I know I regret later. The sky is burning, and I act as though it is a real warmth beating down on me. I revel in it and await the sun. I wonder if it'll take the snow with it though I doubt it is warm enough.

As the sun rises, I wish I could take a picture but instead head back inside.

"My butt's frozen." I mutter as I feel the temperature drastically turn to warmth.

Allie is not around to hear my comment. I hear music playing, it sounds as though it is coming from the living room. Pop music yes, and I wonder why Allie was always so drawn to the happy go lucky music. At the time I guessed that it was due to her popular, preppy, stature.

I hang my coat by the door and shove my hats and mittens into the pockets shaking off an excess snow.

As I make my way to the living room; the hum of Allie's voice is going along with the music. I recall now never really hearing her sing, unless it's something I wrote, only hum and I wonder why that was.

Lana plays with a fisher price toy music ball in her play pen interrupting Allie's music and humming.

"I'm back." I say. "So, what are we going to do today?"

Allie looks to me and frowns. "I don't know dear." With the word "dear" her lip twitches in delight.

"Throw a party?" Sarcasm coming from me this I know yet I see Allie actually consider it.

"Not with the baby." She says.

"Duh." I giggle. "Snow day, snow day, oh how I love a snow day." I sing.

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