Chapter 1

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(Art belongs to me)

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(Art belongs to me)

During the hot Summer of hayesville nevada. you was driving in your f/c car while listening to your favourite song. You didn't notice the tiny spikes on the floor and heard a tyre pop. You immediately stopped your car and turned off the radio. You got out of your car and saw one of your tyres popped. You groaned in annoyance and picked up the spikes from the floor And placed them in the trunk. You notice a truck coming your way and recognised the person in the truck and smiled, walking up to it. The truck stopped by you so you can get in and you opened the door, hopping inside. "Hey Jed I'm glad your here, I need help with my car." You told him. "Sure thing y/n, I'll hook up your car and we can go" he replied, as he brought up your car onto the truck and got back inside. He started up his truck and began to drive. "So how much do I owe you?" You asked. "£200" he said. You nodded and opened your purse, only seeing 65£ inside. Your eyes widened and frowned, looking at Jed. "Shit, I'm sorry Jed I don't have enough money" you spoke. "No worries I know a way to get that tyre fixed in a different way" you raised you're eyebrow and saw him driving up to a building, that said willy's wonderland. You noticed another man standing there and was guessing that he was the manager. You and Jed got out of the truck and walked up to him. "Howdy there ma'am, name is tex same as the state. Got the handle macadoo, welcome to willy's wonderland." You looked at the building to see spray paint everywhere and looked back at tex. "Well business is not what it used to be, but I am fixing to reopen and make willy's better than ever." He said and You nodded slowly, waiting for him to continue. "Anyway, enough horseshit, here's my offer. You spend the night cleaning willy's wonderland and I will pay to have your car fixed. I go on in tomorrow, you come out of there. And your ride will be ready for you right there, deal?" He said. "Really? Of course" you responded, He smiled and shook your hand. "Alright, let's go inside. You both stepped inside the building and looked around to see a few cutouts of the animatronics.

"Watch your step, check this out." He said and grabbed a remote, turning on the tiny tv, to see the robots. "Hey kids, it's willy the weasel. Welcome to my wonderland. Come on down and meet the gang. We've got Arty the Alligator, siren sara, cammy the chameleon, gus gorilla, knighty knight, ozzie the ostrich and tito the turtle" you nearly laughed when it sounded like it said toilet instead of turtle and decided to keep quite and watch it. You heard tex singing the birthday song and looked at him confusingly. He noticed you starring and stopped singing while turning off the tv. You both walked into another room to see the eight animatronics standing on their stage and got a bit creeped out. "You know the story right? Well some of these little bastards start crawling over the characters, they get hurt. A couple of lawsuits later from mommy safety organisations and wham, bam, thank you ma'am were out of business. Shut us right down" he said and walked away. You starred at the animatronics, seeing how dirty and broken they looked and turned away not noticing willy moving his head. You followed tex and he opened one of the doors roughly. "Damn thing always gets jammed. This stuff outta do the trick, broom, mop, bucket, drain snake, windex, rags whatever you need, we got it. Oh lookee here!" He said and picked up a blue shirt with willy on the front. "I have to wear that?" You asked. He nodded and gave it to you and smiled. "Congratulations, you are officially on staff. Well, it's gonna be dark soon, I'll be back in the morning with that car of yours. Dapper and ready to drive or my name is not tex macadoo." He said with a chuckle. "Help yourself to whatever you can find in the kitchen. It's on the house and be sure to take breaks. Always good to pace yourself, That's it, good look." You waved, watching him leave and looked down at the shirt. You walked into a room and shutted the door, taking off your shirt and placing on the blue one. You grabbed the windex and rag and started to clean the arcades and walls. Looking away in disgust when you saw how much dirt was coming off.

You then walked into the room where the animatronics were in and grabbed a black bin, placing the rubbish inside while using the windex to clean the table. Suddenly you heard a noise and looked behind you to see the ostrich starring at you. You grew anxious and tried to ignore it and continued cleaning the tables. While you was cleaning you heard the same noise again and turned back around to see the ostrich right behind you. You stumbled back and looked at it in shock and looked behind it, making sure the others didn't move. You gulped and gently poked it, seeing if it will do anything, but it kept on looking at you. You poked it again and shrieked when you heard it speak. "I'm gonna feast on your face!" He screeched and tried to attack you, but you quickly dodged and ran into another room, locking it behind you. You heard loud, heavy footsteps come towards the door and screamed when he started to bang on the door.
"Come on out sweets, I just want to play" You heard him say as he kept on banging on the door. "No, please leave me alone!" You shouted and covered your ears, hoping ozzie would go away. The lod banging suddenly stopped and everything gone quite. You slowly unlocked the door and opened it to see ozzie back onto the stage. "W-what just happened? Was that real or was I just imagining it?" You thought and walked up to the doors that lead outside and tried to open it. "What the hell?" You said and heard rattling from the other side of the doors. "D-Did he just locked me in here!" You shouted, looking back at the animatronics to see willy looking at you. You looked closely at him to see what looked like drool, coming out of his mouth and felt unnerved by his stare. You shook your head and went into another room to see it was a bathroom. And looked around to see how messy it was. "I hope nothing goes wrong in here" you thought and grabbed the wincex and a new rag.

(Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. And If you want another chapter then I'll publish it tomorrow.)

willy's wonderland (Willy weasel x reader)Where stories live. Discover now